chapter sixty

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"On the count of three, okay?" Hannah said as she handed me my envelope.

This was it, her and I were about to find out if we had gotten into the college we had been dreaming of since we were little girls.

"One," I said.

"Two," she said.

"Three," we said at the same time.

The sound of paper ripping and falling to the floor filled our empty kitchen. We quickly unfolded the papers and we read through them.

I looked up from mine at Hannah who was still reading hers. Once she finished she looked at me.

"Did you get in?" I asked, my heartbeat racing.

"Yes," she said. "You?"

I nodded excitedly and we both threw our letters up and hugged each other tightly.

"It's going to be just like we planned it as little girls!" she said smiling.

I had just gotten into the school of my dreams and I for some reason was more nervous than I was excited.

"Alex? Are you okay?" she asked.

"I just, I haven't told Brendon I even applied," I said.

"You know UCLA is not that far from home, plus he loved LA, there's no way he's not going to be happy for you!" she said hugging me tightly.

"You're right," I nodded. "What should we do to celebrate?"

"Shopping?" she asked.

"How could I say no?"

We got into Hannah's car and headed off towards the mall.

"Has Brendon said anything to you about prom?" she asked awkwardly.

"Prom? No, I totally forgot that was a thing," I said honestly.

"You're going right?" she said looking at me seriously.

"I mean I guess so," I said.

"Good, because we're getting dresses right now." She pulled into the parking lot of a huge dress shop and I laughed at her excitement.

We spent a good 5 hours trying on and turning down dresses until we both found one we each liked. We bought our dresses and headed back home.

"That was beyond too much work for someone who technically doesn't even have a date yet," I said laughing.

"Well it's obvious you're going with Brendon," she rolled her eyes. "Also, there's a bag packed for you in the back, Brendon wanted you to go over to his tonight so I packed you a bag so you can stop showing up to school in his clothes."

"Oh, um, okay?" I said confused. "Are you sure that's okay with you? I thought you wanted a girls night."

"I'll be fine, Dallon's coming over!" she said winking. She dropped me off outside of Brendon's apartment and drove off quickly.

So much for a girls night. I laughed to myself and headed inside.

I knocked on his door quietly but there wasn't an answer so instead of knocking again I slowly opened the door and peeped in.

"Brendon?" I called.

All the lights were off but all along the floor were candles.

"Oh my god," I said laughing slightly at how cheesy this was. I shut the door behind me and followed the small path of burning candles and flower petals to outside Brendon's door. Taped to the door were the assortment of polaroids from our adventures together. I opened the door to his room and there sitting cross legged on his bed was Brendon.

He had the biggest smile on his face and he held a large bouquet of red roses in his arms.

"This is so extra," I said laughing but also smiling bigger than ever.

"Nothing is extra when it comes to you and me Alex, I think we've both learned that," he said handing me the flowers. I held them in my hands and leaned my head against the doorframe.

"What is this?" I asked.

"This," he said motioning to the room, "Is my way of showing you that I am beyond glad that you are in my life. This, is me showing you that every second I've spent with you means more than the 17 years of life I had lived before you came into my life. This, is me telling you I loved you that moment I told you on top of Vegas, and I still love you now. This is me telling you I've loved you every second in between that time, and I will continue to love you until it is physically impossible for me to love anyone anymore."

He stood up and walked towards me slowly. "This is me asking," he paused. "No, this is me begging you to finally make this official. Let me be your boyfriend," he said. "Let me take you on dates, and hold your hands," he said as he grabbed my hands causing me to drop the flowers. "Let me show you off, and not play the, "we're fucking but not dating because we both aren't ready" card." He was closer to me now and his body was pressed against his. "Let me kiss you," he said breathing heavily. He slowly pressed his lips to mine. I melted into the kiss and tried to release myself from his grip to grab onto his neck to pull him closer but his grip only got tighter around my hands.

He pinned my arms above my head and continued to kiss me. He slowly moved his lips from my mouth to my neck and I leaned my neck back in pleasure. I felt his smile form against my neck and he let go of my hands. He picked me up and I twisted my legs around his torso giving him an opportunity at a tight grip on my butt. And he took it.

He gently laid me on the bed and crawled over me until his face was hovering just a few centimeters above mine. I grabbed his head and ran my fingers through his thick brown hair and pulled him down to kiss him again. As he pulled away I smiled at him and he gave back the most genuine smile I had ever seen from him.

"Brendon Urie," I said quietly. "How I've missed you." 

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