chapter seventeen

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I squinted my eyes as the sun shined through the blinds. I rolled over in bed and when I saw Brendon next to me I jumped a bit.

"Oh good morning," he laughed. I thought back to last night. What the fuck did I do, what happened? I know alcohol was involved.

"What the hell happened?" I asked. I looked under the covers and was relieved when I found myself in the same clothes Hannah had given me.

"Well after our little make-up make-out session we got really drunk," he said laughing. I blinked a couple times and slipped out of bed. Brendon did the same he was shirtless and turned to grab a shirt from his closet but I almost screamed when I saw his back.

"Oh my god. Did I do that?" I asked as my face turned red. He turned and looked at his back in the mirror. There were scratch marks from his shoulder blades to his lower back. He laughed a bit and nodded.

"Yeah you're a fucking animal. Bet you didn't think you had it in you," he said as he slid a shirt over his head.

"Brendon we didn't like," I stuttered.

"Have sex?" he said. I shuddered a little at the word but I nodded, "nah, just a little messing around." I let out a sigh of relief but I was a little disappointed I didn't remember last night. "Wanna grab some breakfast?" he asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Um, I should actually call Hannah and head back to her place. She's probably wondering where the hell I am," I said nervously.

"Makes enough sense," he said walking out of the room.

I grabbed my phone from the side table and quickly dialed Hannah.

"Jesus Alexandria, you scared me half to death last night. I actually thought you might have died," she said.

"Yeah um can you come get me?" I asked.

"Sure. Everything alright?"

"Yeah, just got a lot on my mind," I said.

"I'll be there in 15," she said hanging up. I walked out to find Brendon sitting in the living room with his guitar.

"Are you alright Alex? I'm sorry if you're mad at me," he said looking down.

"No, I'm not mad, just confused. I have some shit I have to work out in my head," I said laughing.

"Okay well if you need help you have my number," he said. I nodded and grabbed a glass of water. "I just want to say that last night was really amazing. If you don't remember it I can promise it was awesome," he said smiling.

"Did we make up?" I said. That was biggest concern because I didn't want to fight anymore. He was too tiring to fight with.

"Yeah," he said. My eyes lit up.

"Really?" he just nodded and I ran to him and pulled him into a tight hug.

"I really like you Alex," he said. He bent down and gave me a light kiss.

"I really like you too Brendon Urie," I said giving him a stronger kiss back.

I heard Hannah pull up outside and I smiled at Brendon before heading to the door. I opened it and before I left I looked him dead in the eyes.

"Also if you call me Alex one more time I'm personally gunna slice your tongue off," I laughed. He laughed too and I headed outside.

I got into Hannah's car and I made her wait till we were at her house to tell her about last night.

"Okay go," she said as we walked into her room.

"Well I remember we got really angry at each other and then we started kissing and stuff and it was like really really heated. I know we made up from our fight which I'm really glad about. I don't really remember the rest of the night because I think we got drunk but when we woke up this morning Brendon had scratch marks all down his back," I said blushing.

"Oh my god did you fuck Brendon?" she almost screamed. I shook my head laughing.

"No but I know we did something," I said.

"Well if he was that scratched up he must have been doing something very right," she said smirking I gave her a light punch and we just laughed.

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