chapter four

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The rest of the week went by quickly, and before I knew it I was walking into the school on Friday. I could feel my heart beating a million miles an hour even though nothing exciting had happened yet.

"So, did your mom say anything against you coming over tonight?" I heard Hannah say as she leaned on the locker next to mine.

"Nope, we're all set," I sighed. "Church after school, you at six, and to the party we go." I laughed.

"I'm so proud of you Alexandria! You are a real teenager!" she said closing my locker and walking to my first class with me.

"I'm scared," I admitted. She stopped in her tracks and looked at me.

"Don't be, I will be with you all night. I promise," she said.

"That's not very reassuring figuring you'll probably be running off with Dallon!" I laughed.

"Hey! You could be off with Brendon so don't even go there with me!" she said pushing my arm. We walked into history laughing and took a spot near the back. Mr. Carr walked into the room and gave me a confused look when he saw me sitting in the back and not the front where I usually sit; I quickly turned away to avoid questions.

"Welcome class, today we will be having a work day. I expect you all to be working on your papers that are due next week," he said as he sat down behind his desk. I pulled out my laptop and started typing.

"You aren't seriously doing your paper are you?" Hannah said leaning over.

"Han, I can only break so many rules at a time. It's too much work to break all the rules at once you know," I laughed.

"I know, I do it all the time," she rolled her eyes at me and went back to her laptop that had Twitter pulled up. I watched as she scrolled through Twitter, and I couldn't believe that this was my best friend.

"Hey, so I hear you're going to the party tonight!" A boy called from behind. I recognized him as Spencer. I turned around and glared at him.

"So what?" I asked.

"Nothing, you're just hot. It'll be nice to see a goody goody break the rules. It's been a while," he winked at me. I faked a gag and turned back to my computer.

The day went by quick and I somehow managed to make it through without running into Brendon. Brendon and I hated each other, and we both knew it.

I headed out to the parking lot and got into my car quick. I turned the radio on and headed off on my way. I figured I had time to kill so I took a little detour instead. I pulled off to a back road that only a few people ever traveled on. After stopping the car I headed out to the edge of the cliff that over looked the water below. I would come here a lot just to think. It was quiet and no one really knew about it, not even Hannah. It felt nice to have something that was just mine.

I sat there drawing for what felt like an eternity until my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Are you at the church already?" I heard Hannah over the line.

"Not yet but I'm heading over there now," I lied.

"Okay, see you at six!" she said as she hung up.

I sat there for a little longer looking over the water then back at my doodles. As much as I hated myself for it I had doodled Brendon in as much detail as I could. I didn't know his every wrinkle or crease or blemish. I didn't know if he had a crooked smile or straight teeth and it bothered me. It bothered me because I wanted to know. I shook it off and got back in my car heading towards the church.

It was 5:05 when I got to the church. I went to unlock the door but to my surprise it was already open. It must be the janitor. I headed into the women's bathroom and started immediately on my makeup. My hair was straightened and my makeup was on by 5:45, I cleaned up my mess and threw everything back into my bag. I locked myself in the biggest bathroom stall and slid off my top and jeans, when I heard the bathroom door open. I heard footsteps walking around and then they stopped suddenly.

"Hello?" I called from behind the closed stall door.

"Shit, is someone in here?" I heard a voice ask.

"Um, yeah," I said shyly.

"Fuck sorry." It was almost silent for a few seconds and then feet appeared outside the stall door. The dirty vans from whoever was out there hooked my jeans and slid them out. "Uh, are you naked in there?" he asked.

"Well, actually," I chuckled.

"Cool!" the boy laughed.

"Actually, would you mind zipping up my dress for me?" I asked, realizing I couldn't do it myself.

"Well, putting clothes on you wasn't exactly what I had in mind," I rolled my eyes. "But I guess so." He finally said. I gathered my things and walked out with my dress unzipped.

"Holy shit," he said. I looked up and found Brendon standing with me awkwardly.

"Well, this is awkward." I sighed.

"Um, what the hell are you doing here?" He asked.

"I'm, well, I should probably get going." I stuttered.

"With your dress hanging open like that?" he smirked. I reluctantly turned around and let him zip my dress; his hand brushed my hair out of the way sending a cold shiver down my spine. I spun around and found myself standing face to face with my enemy.

"So you are going to that party," he said.

"Kinda," I mumbled. "Wait, what are you doing here?" I asked motioning to the fact that we were still in the girl's restroom. His face got red and he reached for a mop in the corner.

"I'm on clean up duty; I was out past curfew last night."

"Wow, Mr. Bad Boy can't even sneak in past curfew?" I laughed.

"Hey, hey, hey. What about you? Miss goody two shoes wearing a dress like this and going to a party?" he said getting closer to me.

"I'm not a goody two shoes," I huffed as I felt my back press up against the wall. Brendon continued getting closer to me until I felt his breathe on my neck.

"Not after tonight," he said. Before I could say anything back I felt his lips press onto mine, and I didn't pull away. I hadn't kissed anyone before and I hated that the first time I did it was with someone I loathed so deeply. I didn't stop the kiss. He pulled away "Alex," he said quietly as he grabbed some air.

"Alexandria," I said before he could respond I quickly pulled his lips back to mine. I didn't know why I was doing this or what I was even doing but I was. My phone started to ring I wasn't sure if I was grateful or angry. Brendon pulled away and looked at me surprised. I opened my phone and read the text.

Hannah: I'm here! Let's go party!

I grabbed my bags and headed towards the door but Brendon grabbed my arm.

"I still hate you," I whispered.

"I hate you too," he laughed. "But I'll see youtonight." He said with a wink, I quickly turned and walked out of the bathroomleaving him behind. As I got into Hannah's car and we drove off to the party apart of me really wished I would see him tonight. 

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