chapter forty-eight

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Back in Vegas. Or the outskirts of Vegas I guess. We were all back in our homes ow which is just wat we needed. California was fun but after the first three days everyone was sick of each other and we really just ended up arguing. I didn't see Josh again which kind of made me sad but I knew that he was always moving around and that it was never going to work out for us but I really did like him. We texted sometimes but never anything extreme. Turns out his dad had him pack everything and move again, I'm not even sure where he was now but he was somewhere. All I know is that Josh is somewhere exploring the world and I'm just in Summerville Nevada.

"What are you thinkin about?" Hannah asked as she walked into our kitchen.

"Josh," I said honestly.

"Alex, you knew that was just gunna be a spring break fling you can't dwell on it!" she said.

"I know! I've accepted that but I just can't help but wonder what if Josh is the guy? What if he's the one I'm supposed to be with?" I asked taking a bite of my pancakes in front of me.

"If he really is 'The One' then you'll know, he'll be back if he is," Hannah said putting extra emphasis on "the one." I let out a sigh and Hannah laughed. "Are you ready we don't want to be late to our first day back, Pete will be here in five!"

I quickly stood up and grabbed my backpack and tied my shoes. Hannah and I got into Pete's car and we drove off to school together.

"Welcome back from spring break class, I assume you're all excited to be back!" Mr. Schmidt, my art teacher said. Honestly the only thing that got me through art was the fact it was right before lunch. "Your next art assignment is called the pen project. I will provide each of you with one pen and one piece of paper, on that paper you will draw whatever comes to your head as long as it relates somehow to your spring break. The catch is, you must use all of the ink in your pen. Your empty pen and project will be due on Monday, and on Tuesday you will present it and share with us about your sprig break."

I groaned at the thought of reliving the pain of leaving Josh and only having one amazing night with him but I was also partly excited because I already had the best idea.

The bell rang and everyone sprinted out to lunch. We all sat at our normal table together but I hadn't see Brendon all day.

"Where's Brendon at?" I asked no one in particular.

"Oh he got called to the office in third period there's some new kid and for some reason they wanted Brendon to show him around," Patrick said.

"There he is!" Ryan pointed. I squinted as I saw him waking towards us and when he got closer my heart dropped.

"Hey guys, this is Josh! His dad just moved into town and he is new here at school, I think you guys will really like him!" Brendon said. Hannah shot a quick glance at me and I nodded. Josh's eyes stayed glued on mine.

"Alex," he said. Brendon's head shot up and he looked between us.

"You two know each other?" he asked almost hurt.

"This is Josh, the guy I went out with while we were in Cali."


Just a filler chapter,, sorry

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