chapter fifteen

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It had been three days since mine and Brendon's blow out. We hadn't spoken once and we hadn't even looked at each other since. We were completely ignoring each other now.

He was still with Maddy which was pissing me off but I knew he didn't like her. I knew he liked me. He said so.

"You know what you need?" Hannah said walking into her room.

I was lying on her bed, we had a soft nirvana record playing in the background and I was just staring blankly at the ceiling.

"You need to get drunk," she said sitting down next to me. I sat up and looked at her.

"Han, I haven't slept in three days, I can barely make it through school and I've failed three tests. I don't need to get drunk I need to get back to life," I said flopping back.

"No. You need to get drunk."

"Hannah," I said but it was no use, she was already on the phone with Ryan.

"Oh shit really? I'm sorry. Would it be alright if Alexandria and I came, she really needs some," she paused, "medicating right now." I rolled my eyes at her and rubbed my temples. "Really? Cool! Yeah we'll be there in 30," she said hanging up.

"We are going to Ryan's," she said backing a bag.


"We are going to Ryan's he's having a small party."

"Last time you said small party the entire grade was there," I said.

"Yeah well this ones just like, half our grade," she said not looking at me.

"Why are you packing a bag?"

"Well I'm not sober cabbing, I like getting drunk just as much as you need to get drunk," she said.

"Han, I'm not getting drunk," I complained, "and I sure as hell am not going to Ryan's." She froze and looked at me.

"And why would that be?"

"Because I know Brendon will be there. I'm not stupid and I don't need that right now," I said. I was trying my hardest to get out of this.

"Alexandria we are going and you're going to put on a smile and have a good time," she said. "Put this on you look like you live in the gutters."

"Gee thanks Han, always know how to make me feel better," I said. I grabbed the clothes she had thrown at me and headed into the bathroom. Luckily we weren't wearing dresses or anything just normal clothes. Well normal for Hannah, they were still a little revealing for me but I went along with it.

I slid the black crop top over my head and then pulled on the black high waisted shorts. I tied my rats nest of hair into a bun and put on some makeup, Hannah was right, I looked terrible. After getting ready I walked back into her room.

"God you look so much better," she said letting out a sigh of relief. "You're missing something," she said digging through her drawers. "Here."

"Socks?" I asked confused.

"Stockings actually, put them on." I did as she said and I honestly didn't hate it.

"Okay I think we're set let's go!" she said walking down the stairs and out the door.

Hannah's mom could care less where Hannah was going or what she was doing as long as she didn't get pregnant or get arrested. We got in the car and took the familiar route to Ryan's. We turned off on a different road though.

"Han, you weren't supposed to turn here, you have to go one more street," I said looking at her.

"I know," she said. She parked her car outside of an apartment building and glared at me. "Get out."

"Excuse you?" I laughed.

"Get out and go make up with Brendon. I'm tired of you moping around it's stupid," she said.

"I'm not going in there," I said shaking my head quickly.

"Yes you are," she said, "if I have to drag you in there you know I will." Was she honestly threatening me now?

"Hannah," I said but she got out of her car and opened the side door. I gave her a dumbfounded look and rolled my eyes.

"You have three seconds before I scream at the top of my lungs," she said seriously.

"Hannah you are a child," I said laughing.




"Han please."

"One," she said. She started to scream and I quickly got out of the car slapping her arm. She stopped and smiled at me. "Now go," she said.

I rolled my eyes at her and headed to the door. "I fucking hate you," I said.

"I know," she said getting back into her car.

She knew I was too far from home to walk and it was too far to walk to Ryan's so I was actually stuck here. I headed up the stairs until I saw the familiar number on the door. 34B. I slowly raised my hand and knocked on the door.

About a minute later Brendon swung the door open. He looked just as bad as I did.

He had some stubble growing in on his face and he had some huge ass bags under his eyes. He was in a pair of sweatpants and no shirt. Not gunna lie he looked hot as hell but he also looked like a mess.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he asked.

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