chapter three

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SONG: "Radio" - Santigold


"Yeah mom, I'm just going to Hannah's for a bit I'll be home for dinner." I explained to my mother over the phone. She listed off rules and I just nodded, knowing she couldn't see me.  "Love you too, bye." I hung up.

"Wow, did I really just hear the Alexandria lie to her mother?" I heard Brendon comment from behind me, dragging out the.

"You don't know I was lying," I said not looking at him.

"Well the buses already left.  You sure as hell aren't going to Hannah's house. Therefore you have lied," he said.

"And you know this how?"

"I overheard Hannah talking about how you guys are going to the mall in science," he said. I rolled my eyes and walked out the doors, only to be followed. "So, are you going to the party on Friday?"

"Me at a party? Have you honestly learned nothing about me in this past day?" I laughed.

"Well everyone needs a change every once in a while," he shrugged.

"I guess," I said. I stopped at the edge of the parking lot and looked around.

"Need a ride somewhere Alex?" Brendon offered getting into his car.

"No, I'm just waiting for Han," I said as I saw Hannah's dusty red truck pull up next to me.

"Get in loser, we're going shopping!" she yelled out the window. "Oh, hello Brendon!" she waved.

"Hey Hannah!" he waved back. I slid into the passenger seat and buckled my seatbelt.

"Well, I'll see you around Alex!" Brendon yelled as we started driving away.

"Alexandria!" I yelled out the window.  I sat back and rolled up the window.

"He so likes you!" Hannah said giving me a small punch to the arm.

"Oh god, no!" I laughed.  She rolled her eyes at me and turned up the radio. The car ride to the mall took 10 minutes, it should've taken 20 but Hannah believes that speed limits are just recommendations, and stop signs are optional. We walked inside and I looked around.

"So what do I even wear to a party?" I asked, still not sure as to what I was getting myself into.

"You use the three S's when you shop for party outfits, slutty, scandalous, and short," she said like she had taken a course in this three times.

"You've got to be kidding me," I laughed. "There is no way I am wearing anything like that!" I said.

"You're wrong because I am picking out your outfit and you are going to like it," she said as she dragged me into a store. We walked to the back wall that had dresses hanging from the top to bottom and Hannah went to town. I stood there awkwardly not sure what I was supposed to do.

"Holy shit, this one, this is it!" Hannah said as she held up a short black dress. I examined the dress and scrunched my face. She shoved it in my hands and pushed me into a dressing room. I slipped off my clothes and slid the dress over my head and gave myself a look in the mirror.

"Whoa," I let out a big breath.

"Get your ass out here I can't take the anticipation," Hannah practically yelled, I walked out and her mouth hung open. She looked like a mom on graduation. I looked at myself in the mirror again and smiled.  "It makes your boobs look so good! And don't even get me started on that ass!" she laughed. I turned around and gave myself a full body check.

"My mother would kill me," I commented.

"Only if she finds out," Hannah said hugging me. "Now go change so we can find some nice panties for underneath that!"

"What?"  I asked confused.

"Well, parties get wild sometimes. You never know who'll see them," she winked; I rolled my eyes and quickly changed out of the dress.

"Let's buy this before I change my mind." 

We spent the rest of the day at the mall and I ended up buying some new panties and a matching bra, under Hannah's orders. Hannah got her dress too. The more we talked about the party, the more excited I got. I arrived home around seven and snuck my purchases past my mother and into my room quickly. I laid on my bed listening to music when my phone buzzed.

Hannah: How fucking excited are you?

Me: I am very excited Hannah, no need for to swear every time we talk about it. Lol

Hannah: Well, one step at a time I guess. Well work on the rest next week. Although if Brendon sees you at the party on Friday you might be swearing up a storm ;)

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