chapter eight

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I figured I should head to the bathroom before I headed off to detention because I knew there was no way in hell I was going to be able to leave. I had already faced the torture that was telling my mother about it. I told her I would be home around 8 but that was a lie because detention is over at 5:30 and it's only a five minute drive home.

I walked into the bathroom and immediately regretted my idea. Maddy stood there with a towel in hand still wiping herself down. She gave me a glare and I laughed.

"Don't laugh you bitch. You're just jealous because I can get Brendon and you can't!" she screamed.

"Um, I'd like to inform you that Brendon came onto me. I didn't try to get with him and plus literally everyone can tell you're just another plot in his plan," I said giving her my best 'I win' look.

"At least I get to sleep with him," she hissed as she walked out. I rolled my eyes and hoped to god that Brendon was smarter than sleeping with the slut.

I headed off to the detention room and was the second person in. It was no surprise that my company for today just so happened to be my love/hate relationship partner. I sat in front of him on purpose I had a plan in mind so I could play along with his game.

"Okay you two, just behave," the detention teacher said as he left the room. I turned to ask Brendon a question but he wasn't down for talking. He pulled me onto his desk and grabbed my face tightly between both his hands and roughly kissed me. I really wish he wasn't so good at this. I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him closer.

After a short make out session I pulled away from him leaving him wanting more and I laughed.

"Two can play at this fucking game Urie," I said sitting back down in my desk and pulling out my book.

I could hear him getting angry behind me and I grinned.

"Why are you doing this!" he screamed but also whispered.

"Because, I'm not an idiot," I said not facing him.

"Neither am I."

"We'll see about that," I said. We sat in pure silence the only sounds came from me turning the pages in my book and Brendon's uneven breathing. Time went slower in here and as much as I wanted to turn around and just kiss him but I had to figure him out first.

As soon as our so called "supervisor" came in we both got up and left. I headed to my locker to grab my things. As I was packing my bag I realized my sketch book was missing and immediately started to panic.

I started sprinting back to the classroom but I was grabbed by Brendon.

"Need something," he said getting closer.

"I left something in the room, excuse you," I said annoyed.

"This?" he said holding my book above his head.

"How'd you get it?" I asked slightly embarrassed over the fact that the only sketches I have in there are of him.

"You should zip your back pack next time," he said letting me go. I started to walk away but he called after me. "By the way Alex my nose isn't that big," he said. I flipped the book open and look at the most current drawing of him I had done, he's right.

I got in my car and started to head back to my cliff hideout. I needed time to myself to plan how I was going to crack Brendon.

I sat there flipping through my book until I saw an unfamiliar drawing. The more I looked at it the more I realized it was a drawing of me. At the bottom of the sketch had a very messy signature but I knew it belonged to no other than Brendon. I pondered the drawing for a bit then had an idea. I called Hannah.

"Han, I have an idea," I said. I spilled my evil plan and she couldn't contain her evil laugh.

"Oh Alexandria I knew you had it in you," I could hear her grinning through the phone.

"We start tomorrow."


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