chapter eleven

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Friday came a lot quicker than I expected. I had one detention on Wednesday and boy did I mess with Brendon's head, but it was Friday now and I was too excited for what came next. There was a party tonight. I was going. Brendon was going. The pieces fit together pretty well from there on.

"Ready bitch," Hannah said as we walked out of the school and into the parking lot.

"Of course," I nodded. It's not like my mom was letting me go out and party because she wasn't. But she did agree to let me go to Ryan's for 'tutoring.'

We hopped in Hannah's car and drove off to Ryan's fast. For a while it was just us and Ryan just chilling and talking but soon people started piling in. I already had a drink in my hand that I hadn't really taken any sips out of bit it was there for my character.


Hannah and I sat on the back porch engaged in a very intense conversation with Dallon and Ryan over who would win in a fight with Batman and Superman.

"I think I would win," Dallon said standing up. "I'm going to grab something more to drink, Hannah wanna come?" he asked. Hannah stood up and followed quickly behind him.

"They aren't going to get drinks," Ryan laughed as he leaned back.

"I know," I said.

We sat pretty quietly and I saw Brendon hanging out in the backyard by a tree. He was alone. I turned my attention back to Ryan.

"So Ryan, tell me about yourself," I said taking a drink of whatever was in my cup.

"Um, like what?" he asked scratching the back of his neck.


"Um, okay. Well, I like to play guitar and write songs and stuff. I really like the Beatles. I like to eat pizza and I work at Duncan Donuts," he said laughing.

"Cool!" I said. Ryan was honestly a really cool guy and the more I got to know him the more I really liked him. "Girlfriend?" I asked. The question must have surprised him because he gave me a confused look.

"Me? No," he said looking down. It stayed quiet because I didn't know what to say. "She left me a couple months ago," he finally said.

"Oh god, I'm sorry," I said pulling him into a hug.

"Nah, I'm alright now. It just caused a big fight between me and Brendon," he said. I looked at him with a puzzled expression and he laughed. "You didn't hear about that?" I shook my head and he nodded. "Well, Alice and I had been together for almost two years and basically I caught her and Brendon together."

"How did you forgive Brendon," I asked. I wouldn't be able to do that. I'll never forgive Maddy and she's not even my friend.

"Technically I didn't. We just realized we can't let a stupid girl come between us. Plus it wasn't even Brendon's doing, it was her." I nodded. My phone buzzed in my pocket. It was from Brendon, I looked back at the tree but he was nowhere to be seen.

Brendon: Bathroom.

I looked at the text for a second confused about what it meant.

Brendon: Now.

"Sorry Ryan, I've got to use the bathroom. I'll be back!" I said standing up and giving a wave goodbye. I headed up the stairs and looked at the doors on either side of me. I didn't need to search for the bathroom though because a hand quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me inside.

"You need to stop doing that. This isn't a fucking movie," I said annoyed.

"Shut up," he said pressing me against the door. "What were you talking to Ryan about?" he asked lightening up.

"Why is that your business?" I asked peeling him off me.

"It's not. But I can still ask," he argued.

"If you must know we were talking about math," I said as I fixed my hair in the mirror.

"Why are you always lying?" he asked. His face appeared in the mirror right behind me and I tried my hardest to ignore it.

"I don't lie," I said turning to face him. Our bodies were close now and I was trying my hardest not to break my plan.

"You just lied," he whispered pushing my back against the counter behind me. "Stop lying."

"Well you know, lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off," I smiled. He rolled his eyes. "Hey, where's your little toy? Isn't she here?" I asked smirking.

"She's downstairs," he said annoyed at all my questions. I rolled my eyes.

"Are you going to kiss me or can I leave?" I asked. He looked at me confused but didn't ask questions. He sat me on the counter and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I moved my hands slowly down his back while he remained kissing me.

"Hold on, I'll be right back," I said hopping off the counter. I walked out the door quickly leaving a very confused Brendon inside.

I headed back downstairs to find Hannah and I interrupted her and Dallon's make out session but I didn't care.

"Hannah, I need you," I said. She followed me outside and to the front yard. "You got the phone back to Maddy right?" I asked hopeful.

"Yeah, got it back on Thursday and everyone thought she was just stupid and didn't check her bag," Hannah laughed. I gave her a hi-five and then pulled out the phone from my pocket.

"I got Brendon's, but I only have a couple minutes before he notices," I said unlocking it and pulling up Maddy's contact.

"I saw her inside a couple minutes she was looking for Brendon, so we should be good."

"Here's the phone. I'm heading back to Brendon. Five minutes send the text and then leave the phone on a table downstairs," I said walking back inside.

I grabbed two drinks and brought the up to the bathroom back to Brendon. Luckily he was still there. I smirked when I saw him.

"What the fuck," he said planting a kiss on my lips.

"I thought you might want a beer," I said holding it out to him and giving a pouty face. He grabbed it from my hands and took a sip. We set our cups down and resumed where we had left off. I started to get nervous knowing that in less than five minutes Maddy would be busting down the door and running in but I knew that this would help me. Brendon started to leave a trail of kisses down my neck but as soon as I heard a knock at the door I pulled him back to my lips. It knocked again.

"Occupied!" Brendon yelled. The door swung open and an angry Maddy stood in the doorway. Brendon looked at her scared and I sat back.

"Maddy what the hell?" Brendon yelled. There was a small crowd gathering outside the door now.

"What are you trying to hurt me!" she yelled back. "You tell me you want to meet me but when I come up you're with this fucking slut!" she screamed. Brendon gave her a confused look and I felt my heart speed up.

"What are you talking about?" Brendon asked. She held up her phone which revealed a text from Brendon that read Meet me in the upstairs bathroom. I need you right now. He reached for his pocket and when he didn't find his phone he gave me a glare. Maddy stomped out and Brendon followed close behind.

I let out a sigh of relief. I win.

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