chapter fourteen

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I got out of bed and didn't even care what I looked like. I showed up to Hannah's house at 7:15 and she was looking as good as I was.

We both had a small amount of makeup on, our hair tied up in a bun, leggings and an oversized sweater. We were a hot pair, looks didn't matter today though; I was too excited.

We got to school and we both headed towards the locker room. We walked in when we didn't hear any voices left and headed right to Maddy's locker. She really wasn't the smartest. One: she left her phone in her gym locker, stupid. Two: she hasn't changed her lock since 3rd grade, get a life.

I quickly undid the lock and dug around for the phone. As soon as the phone was in my hand Hannah and I immediately unlocked it, she hasn't changed that password either. We went straight the camera roll and sure enough there sat the video of her and Brendon. I put my hand over my mouth to muffle my laughter.

We stood there for a bit rejoicing in our victory until we heard voices heading back to the locker room. Hannah and I ran into the bathroom stalls and locked them behind us.

"Oh my god I can't believe I forgot my water bottle," I heard Maddy laugh.

"Maddy you didn't even lock your locker! Your stuff could get stolen!" I heard another female voice. I recognized it as Kate, her best friend.

"You're right!" Maddy said. It was quiet for a bit and then I heard her gasp. "Oh my god Kate my phone is missing!" she yelled. "I could have sworn it was in here and I swear I locked my locker!" she said getting angry now.

"Maddy it's not that big a deal you'll find it after practice. Come on," Kate said.

"Um, Kate have you forgotten that if someone has my phone they have the video of Brendon and I!" Maddy yelled.

"Maddy! Why the fuck would you keep that on your phone?" Kate was smarter than her by a long shot. She was right, it was a stupid idea to do that. In my case I was just lucky as hell. "Did you leave it in the bathroom?" Kate asked. I felt my heart beat speed up and I stood on the toilet hiding my feet from under the stall and I crouched down, I heard Hannah doing the same.

"Maybe," she said. I heard her footsteps getting closer and I swear I almost hand a heart attack as I heard her digging around by the sinks.

Eventually the girls gave up and headed back to cheer practice and Hannah and I walked out of our stalls.

"I thought we were dead meat," she said laughing.

"Me too, but I already sent the video to myself and deleted the message from her phone, she'll never know," I said smiling.

Hannah gave me a light pat on the back and laughed. "Congratulations, you're officially a bitch."

I put the phone quickly back into her locker and we slipped out of the locker room.

We were just roaming the hallways now and I saw Brendon from the corner of my eye.

"Sorry, I've gotta go do some business talking," I said nodding towards Brendon. Hannah just smiled and turned the other way. I walked quickly over to Brendon and grabbed his arm. I pulled him with me down the hallway not saying a word. I pushed him into an empty class room and locked the door behind us.

"Oh are you going to admit that I won and you are super jealous of me and Maddy?" he said sarcastically.

"Nope," I said. I pushed him against the wall and gave him a rough kiss. "I'm winning and you know it," I said as I placed my mouth on his neck. He pulled away and turned so he was the one pushing me against the wall.

"What do you mean? You are so jealous it hurts," he said. I laughed and pulled my phone out of my pocket pressing play on the video. His eyes went wide and he backed away from me.

"Where the fuck did you get that?" he asked. I couldn't tell if he was more embarrassed or angry.

"I have a source but isn't it nice to know your little toy just used you to get into bed so she could tape it," I said.

"What," he said. He sounded so shocked and confused.

"Don't you see that all Maddy wanted was to get you into bed and use you? She played you Brendon and she videotaped you. With the click of a button she or I could ruin your life. I just thought you should know," I smiled at him and he furrowed his brows at me.

"Delete the video," he said getting closer.

"Not until you admit that I've won this stupid game we've been playing."

"You and I both know I am not going to do that."

"Well then I guess you will become a famous porn star," I said shrugging and threatening to post the video on the school's website.

"You wouldn't," he said.

"I think you really under estimate me Brendon. I might be a goody two shoes, and I might not be super evil but don't you dare underestimate me. I will do what I want," I said letting out a big breathe of air.

"Alex," he started but I cut him off.

"Stop fucking calling me that! It's Alexandria not Alex!" I said annoyed.

"Alexandria," he sighed. He leaned in and gave me a soft kiss. I hadn't felt a kiss like this from him yet. All our other kisses were rough and heated but this one seemed so sincere and heartfelt. It was soft and I felt his heart beating through his chest as I hugged him.

"I win," I said.

"Fine, whatever you fucking win!" he screamed.

"And what did I win?" I said leaning my back against the wall.

"I like you! There I said it are you happy? Are you sure you're happy? Because I'm sure as hell not! I was so happy just fucking whoever I wanted just doing whatever the hell I wanted and then you walked into my life and ruined it! You're such a bitch you know that? You just waltzed into my life and you stayed. You didn't stay because I wanted you too, but you were just stuck there. You were stuck in my head and I couldn't sleep because of you! You are all I think about. And you know what yes you win, because all I want to do is push you up against that counter and kiss you and make you happy but I can't." He was sweating and I looked at him with wide eyes. What the fuck did he just reveal to me?

"Brendon," I said, he cut me off.

"I have to go," he said walking out of the classroom.

I slid my back down the wall until I was sitting on the ground and I just replayed what had just happened in my head. I couldn't tell if I made this better or not.

Hannah ran in grinning. "You did it you cracked him!" she screamed. "Whoa wait, what the hell happened are you alright?" she asked sitting down next to me.

"I don't know Han; I think I might be in love with Brendon."

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