chapter twenty-seven

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I woke up to the sound of music, I fluttered my eyes open and heard Dallon, Brendon and Ryan singing something I hadn't heard before but whatever it was I liked it.

"Bitch, did you sleep well?" I heard Hannah ask as she sat next to me handing me a glass of water.

"Yeah, I slept pretty good," I said not taking my eyes off Brendon.

"Don't lie, you didn't even sleep," she said smirking at me.

"What?" I asked laughing.

"You and Brendon went somewhere in the middle of the night and I don't know where you went but you were gone for a while," she said.

"How did you know that?" I asked amazed.

"You weren't exactly quiet; you know I'm a light sleeper." I blushed at her and she just laughed. "Really though, where did you guys go?"

"We just went swimming for a bit then made a pizza," I said.

"You had sex in Ryan's pool?" she almost yelled but kept quiet knowing that I couldn't handle that kind of embarrassment.

"No! We didn't have sex, just went swimming for a bit!" I said.

"Wanna go catch a smoke?" she said standing up and grabbing her sweater. I nodded and followed her lead grabbing Brendon's sweater from last night. It was the same grey sweater from the day I first saw him and I actually hated that he wore it so much but whatever.

We went outside and sat on the back porch.

"When are you two gunna hook up? It's almost been a month," she said. She made it seem liked it was a giant deal I hadn't slept with him in the small time I've known him.

"I'm not sure," I honestly.

"But you want to?"

"I mean kinda, I don't know," I said letting out a sigh.

"That's okay Alex," she said patting my back. We both lit up our cigarettes and Brendon walked out.

"Alex you ready to go get your fake ID?" he asked. I looked between him and Hannah a couple times and then shook my head.

"I have to put on some makeup first. Did you bring any Han?" I was praying to god with everything I had she brought some.

"You're lucky I'm always prepared," she said pulling a smaller bag out of her backpack. I grabbed it and ran into the bathroom and started right away.

I dug through the bag and found mascara, eyeliner, foundation, concealer and a condom. Classy Hannah.

After I was done I tied my hair half up half down like I usually did nowadays and topped myself with Brendon's leather jacket that might as well be mine now.

I headed back to the porch and Hannah whistled when I walked out.

"Why are you so hot?" Brendon asked pulling me close to him.

"Save the sex for the car," Hannah said rolling her eyes. I stuck my tongue out at her and Brendon and I walked through the house.

"We're going to get her first fake ID!" Brendon announced to the room.

"Fuck, have fun!" Pete said waving from the couch.

"Don't sweat it Alex, it's not a big deal," Patrick said waving. I nodded and headed out to Brendon's car. I buckled myself then looked at Brendon as he pulled out of the driveway.

"Music?" he asked. I nodded and he gave me a big smile. "I made a playlist." He handed me his phone and I unlocked it and got to his music.

"Driving?" I asked scrolling through the multiple playlists he had. He nodded and I hit shuffle on it.

He turned the volume up and immediately the song from our first adventure played. I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye.

"It's your song," he said not looking at me. I just nodded, the entire way we listened to his playlist and every song made me feel great inside. I just felt so free driving with Brendon, it was a feeling I wish I could describe but I can't.

We arrived at wherever our destination was after about 35 minutes of driving and we walked into a sketchy looking building. It was labeled as a tattoo shop but I knew something was different inside. The entire place smelt like smoke and I could see a lot of intimidating people sitting around.

"Don't look scared, you'll give us away," Brendon said leaning close to my ear. I nodded, was scared but I didn't want anyone to know that. We walked to the front desk. "Is Jack here?" Brendon asked the lady behind it. She just pointed to the room behind her and Brendon thanked her. We walked into the room and a man who I assumed was Jack stood up.

"Brendon! My man," Brendon and him exchanged a handshake and Brendon motioned to me.

"Hey Jack, you think you could hit my girl up with an ID?" Brendon asked. Jack nodded and looked at me.

"What's your name?" he asked as he started pulling things out of his desk.

"Alexandria," I said.

"It's going to be Alex Hayden though," Brendon said quickly. "She's 21, height 5' 3", weight 110lbs, grey eyes." He listed off everything before Jack even asked.

Jack typed it all up and then looked at me, "okay honey go stand in front of that sheet," he said motioning to the corner. I stood in front of it awkwardly not sure what to do with my arms. "Just look up and smile." I did as he said and he snapped the picture. He nodded at me signaling that I could go back by Brendon. Jack walked over to his desk and finished whatever he was doing. Soon a printer behind me started printing and I watched it. The ID looked exactly like the one I had in my wallet now but this one said I was 21. Jack handed it to me and smiled, "Congratulations, you're 21, Alex Hayden."

"How much does this cost?" I asked.

"Since you're with Brendon, I've got this one covered," Jack said looking at Brendon. Brendon and him exchanged goodbyes and we headed back to the car.

"What are you giving him?" I asked knowing there was no way a fake ID was free.

"Jack and I are close pals. We've got things," he said starting the car and turning the music up. I nodded even though I was still extremely curious about what Brendon was getting involved in.


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