chapter sixty-two

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(I am putting a trigger warning here, it's not a lot but I just want you all to be safe and be prepared!)

Alex's POV:

I opened my eyes and looked around frantically. I was lying on a cement floor in a cold dimly lit room. The walls were unfished and still showed the wooden beams that are usually not visible. There was a small window by the ceiling that was far too small for me to fit through, and a small cot in the corner with nothing more than a sheet and an unfluffed pillow.

I had no clue how long I had been out and I had no clue where I was or what exactly had happened. The sun shone through the tiny window which made me feel it was noonish now, who knows of which day though. It could be the next day or it could have been a week. All I knew was that I had to get out of here, wherever here was.

I was still in my prom dress which made me feel a little run down and kind of like the tragic ending of a princess movie. My wrists and ankles had rope burn around them which brought back slight memories of me fighting to be tied up, maybe I was wrong though. My hair was a mess, not that I could see, but I felt it. I felt like a mess. The skin around my eyes was tight and dry from all the tears I had let out. And overall my body just felt limp, and numb. I felt bruised and beaten. I felt defeated.

I raised myself up to my feet and immediately felt a sharp pain running through my leg. I limped my way over to the cot and lifted up my dress to see where the pain was coming from. My hands started to shake at the sight of my thigh. The thigh that once occupied a sexy garter I had worn only for Brendon was now occupied by a set of letters carved into my skin.

"S.S." I said. The letters had scabbed over but it was obvious they were going to leave a scar. I wasn't stupid, I knew what S.S. meant.

Spencer Smith. It was like he had marked me as his property now.

On my other leg I felt the flask and the lighter I had taped to me dig into my skin so I gently ripped the two things off and slipped them under my pillow. I looked around the room searching for something, anything to get me out of here, but found nothing.

There were faint voices coming from outside my door and I quickly stood up and ran over to it. I banged against the door with all my might.

"Let me out!" I screamed. "Help me!" I yelled louder. "Please," I said quieter as I slid down the door. The voices outside then stopped and everything went silent except for my uneven breathing. I crawled my way back to the bed since my leg was in serious pain. I slouched over the side and cried into my hands.

I heard the door unlock and I stood up quickly grabbing one of the heels off my feet and holding it as a weapon trying to protect myself from whoever was about to come through the door. I stood in a warrior position for what felt like forever before someone finally entered the room.

"Ah, good morning, glad you finally woke up!" Spencer said walking in and shutting the door behind him. I backed up a bit and raised my heel higher in the air. He just laughed and shook it off. He walked over to the cot and set down a small pile of folded clothes, a water bottle and an apple. "You won't hurt me if you know what's good for you little miss Alex," he said tauntingly.

"What do you want from me Spencer?" I asked lowering my heel and looking at him with sad eyes.

"Oh, I don't want anything from you," he said smiling at the clothes he had just given me.

"Why me then? Why do I get dragged into this?" I asked confused.

"Because Alex," he said. "You're the only thing Brendon has ever loved." He looked me straight in the eyes now.

"If this is between you and Brendon I don't understand why you're making me pay! I had nothing to do with this!" I said a little angrily.

"Brendon took away the one thing I loved! And I'm going to do the same to him!" he screamed now. He stormed out of the room ad slammed the door behind him. I heard it lock and I ran up to it banging my fist against it.

"Brendon will find me! Just wait you sick fuck!" I screamed.

I fell to the floor and started crying again. I didn't even know it was possible for the human body to produce this many tears but here I was. A mess on the floor of who knows where.

I changed into the clothes he had left me, a pair of baggy sweatpants and an oversized shirt. I looked like an inmate at a prison but to be fair, I guess I felt like one too. I held the apple in my hand contemplating if I wanted to eat it or not. Eventually I ended up throwing it full force against one of the unfinished walls and screaming at the top of my lungs.

How did I end up here? In this mess?

Eventually my eyes started to close and I was able to fall into a deep sleep. I would have loved to describe it as peaceful but it was anything but that.

"Josh?" I said confused. Just as I saw him run towards me something hard hit me on the back of my head causing me to drop the keys out of my hands and fall over. I held my hand to my head and when I pulled it away I saw drops of blood covering my once dry hands. I looked around confused but there was no one in sight anymore. As I reached for the keys I got another blow to the head, this time harder and with more force causing me to physically fall over and lay on the ground unable to move from pain.

After lying still for a minute I suddenly heard a cluster of voices appear from every side of me. I couldn't focus on just one for more than a few seconds so I had no clue who was saying what. All I really heard was.

"Kill her?"


"What the fuck?"

"Why'd you do,"


"She's fine,"



"I don't know guys,"

And then I heard one voice I recognized. "Alex?!" I heard Brendon's voice scream. I shot up which caused immediate pain in my head once again.

"Shit, get her out of here!" I heard a voice scream. I opened my mouth to yell back to Brendon but soon a hand was covering my mouth. There was a boy carrying my legs and another carrying my arms. It was pitch dark out and I couldn't make out any of the faces. I kicked my legs which only made their grip tighter. Brendon's voice slowly faded to be only a distant sound and I knew that there was no way he was going to hear me screaming now.

I was thrown into the back of a car and every person who had been dragging me got in too. The boy in the front looked oddly familiar but I couldn't pin who it was. I started to scream and one of the boys yelled.

"Shut the fuck up! Someone tie her ad put something over that loud ass mouth of hers!" he screamed. I felt rope being tied tightly against my wrists and my legs and after I was tightly tied a rag was stuffed in my mouth and here I was. In the back of a car, going somewhere with a group of boys, my mind could only think of the worst.

That nightmare ended and for a while I slept in just pure darkness, no dream, no nightmare, no anything. But then something weird happened.

I was in a burning building now, everything was warm and getting warmer. The bottom of my dress was ripped and my hands were full of ashes. I felt sweat starting to form from the heat and I could hear angry screams coming at me.

I looked around and suddenly I started running down a hallway. I took twists and turns not trying to get anywhere in particular, I was just trying to get out. My heart beat sped up as I saw an open door at the end and as I ran through it I was finally outside. I turned around and behind me was a house up in flames. I didn't let that stop me though, and I kept running.

And I didn't stop running until I woke up.

And suddenly, I had an idea. 

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