chapter fifty-five

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GUESS WHO IS BACK! OMG you guys, i am so excited about what is to come in this story, i am so beyond proud of how far this story has come and i actually started writing this about a year ago, i just never had the courage to post it but boy am i glad i did.

Anyways i love you all!


"And lastly this is my bedroom!" Josh said as he opened the last door at the end of the hallway.

"This is your room?" I asked looking around. I smiled at all of the posters on the walls. In one corner, he had a crappy drum set set up with multiple words written on and crossed out on the bass drum head, it looked like someone couldn't come up with a band name. On one wall he had posters from the floor to the ceiling and the other walls were full of shelves with knick-knack items. Josh was the kind of person to find something at a garage sale, buy it, use it once, and then let it sit on his shelf for the rest of time.

"I know it's messy but it's mine!" Josh said proudly. I smiled at him and looked around the room some more.

Josh plopped himself down on his bed and rolled around a bit as if he was breaking it in, like new shoes. He sat up and crawled towards the tv at the foot of the bed and clicked it on.

"Wanna watch something? Play a video game or something?" he asked pulling out boxes from under his bed. For how messy his room was he seemed to have a system, and he knew where everything was. I sat down next to him and laid my head on his lap.

"I don't know I'm kinda tired, it's been a long night," I laughed quietly.

"I feel you, is it cool if I play some super smash bros? I have this one guy I play against and he's really good but he's like half way across the country from me and I've been trying to beat him for like the past four months," Josh said pulling out a controller.

I laughed to myself and then smiled brightly at him. "I would love to watch you get your ass kicked by this "friend" you have."

His face turned bright red and I leaned in and gave him a kiss that lasted a little longer than either of us had planned on. When we pulled away Josh's facial expression had dropped and he looked deep into my eyes almost as if he was asking me something but couldn't say the words.

Figuring he wanted to kiss again I leaned in a little more and kissed him again this time a little rougher than before. Josh quickly set the remote down on his night stand and laid me back onto his bed so he could be in charge of the kissing now.

We kissed for a solid ten minutes, which was a little more than him and I had ever done, usually it was a small peck here and there but this was a full blown make out session, and it was HEATED.

I pulled away and laughed a little, "Josh." I said quietly.

"Huh?" he said sitting up and smiling at me.

"Weren't you gunna play that game?" I said with a wink.

"Super smash bros takes the back burner for you," he said pulling me into a tight squeeze. He placed a kiss on my forehead and I looked up and into his eyes.

"You are most definitely not the person I thought you were," I said smiling at him.

"Is that a good or bad thing?" he asked nervously.

"Good god, it's so good," I said lying back down next to him. He grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together. We sat there in our own silence and I just listened to his heart beat in his chest.

His heartbeat was always so constant and always in perfect rhythm with everything he did unlike Brendon's whose was always something different. Josh's heart beat felt calmer, it felt secure, it felt safe.

And that was where I was wrong about him.



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