chapter twenty-nine

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"Brendon I don't think one drawer is enough for my shit," I said trying to shove all of my socks, underwear, and bras into a tiny drawer.

"Okay, okay I'll figure something out!" Brendon laughed.

Aside from the drawer situation everything fit pretty well. He had set me up a little desk in his music room for my sketching and drawing. I honestly really liked it here. It was small and by small I mean small.

"What do you want for dinner?" Brendon asked flopping himself onto the couch.

"You live here. What do you want?" I laughed sitting next to him.

"You live here too now. I don't know I'm kinda in the mood for pizza," he said.

"I love pizza," I sighed.

"Get dressed I know a really good pizza place!" he said. "We have to make your first night living on your own special!"

"Brendon I don't live alone. I live with you," I laughed.

He rolled his eyes and me and planted a kiss on my cheek. "Go put on clothes you look ridiculous in your pajamas. Plus I need to go grocery shopping and pick up stuff!" he grabbed my arms and slid me off the couch.

"I look ridiculous in my pajamas?" I asked crossing my arms.

"You know I didn't mean that," he said hugging me. I untangled myself from him and walked into the room shutting the door behind me. I grabbed some leggings and an oversized sweatshirt then fixed my hair and makeup a bit. I walked and found Brendon had changed too. He had put on his black skinny jeans and a button up shirt. I looked down at myself and felt under dressed.

"I don't like that sweater," he said walking back into his room. "Wear this one." He threw one of his sweaters at me and I rolled my eyes.

"You're annoying," I said. I slid off the sweater I was wearing and slipped his over my head. I had to admit this one was a lot more comfortable. Plus it wasn't his stupid grey one he wore far too often.

"I know," he said proudly. He grabbed his keys off the counter and headed out the door. I followed his lead and we got into his car. "Pizza or shopping first?" he asked starting the car and turning the radio up a bit.

"Pizza, the food won't last in the car otherwise."

"I knew there was a reason I needed you," he said.

We jammed out on our way into town and quickly made it to the pizza place. We sat at a small table and ordered our pizza. We were stuffing our faces now and I laughed at how cute Brendon looked as he enjoyed his pizza.

"Good?" I asked.

"Very. I told you this place was awesome!" I nodded and continued eating my food. When it came time to pay Brendon wouldn't let me pay for mine and I gave him a hard time about it but he didn't budge.

Now we were at the grocery store and Brendon was sprinting up and down the aisles with the cart.

"Brendon slow down! I can't walk this fast!" I said chasing after him. He came to a halt when we reached the candy section. "Oh my god you are actually six years old."

"Have you ever seen Les Miserables?" he asked serious now.

"Like the musical?" I asked. He nodded and I shook my head, "no."

"We're watching it tonight." He grabbed about twenty packs of skittles and gummy worms and threw them in the cart.

We ended up getting all of the essentials and a shit ton of junk food.

"So Brendon what exactly is this movie about?" I asked as I sat down next to him.

"First, it's not a movie it is a work of art. Second it's an opera type thing and it's amazing!" he said. His eyes were glowing and I couldn't help but smile.

"You know I never would have pinned you as a Les Mis kinda guy," I said.

"Tell anyone and I will kill you," he said looking at me. I just laughed and shook my head.

He started the movie and sang along to every word. It was an opera but it was beautiful, I didn't expect it to be like this but it was honestly amazing. Brendon was so into it, I couldn't believe that he knew every word but when he sang his voice was soft and full of joy and I loved him. Wait what. I don't love him, I just love his voice.

"Wasn't that amazing?" he asked turning to me as the credits started to appear on the screen.

"That was pretty amazing but I'm honestly more surprised that you knew every word other than the fact that I enjoyed the movie," I said planting a small kiss on his cheek.

"Was I singing it all?" he asked turning a little red. I laughed and nodded.

"It's alright you're amazing," I said hugging him.

"So are you Alex," he said quietly.

"I don't know about you but I'm fucking tired, I'm going to head to bed," I said getting up.

"I'll come in a few!" Brendon said walking into the kitchen. I walked to the bedroom and threw on some comfy pajamas and took my makeup off, and I tied my hair into a bun. I was a little thirsty so I went to head to the kitchen but I heard Brendon arguing with someone on the phone.

"No, I just think we should call it off it's not fair anymore," he said quietly. Whoever was on the other line had something on Brendon. He was quiet for a bit while whoever was on the other line was talking to him. "Look, I know a bet is a bet but I don't think it's a good idea anymore. Everything changed real quick and I don't think I can do this anymore," Brendon pleaded. "Okay, fine whatever." He hung up the phone and I sprinted back to the bedroom and curled into a ball on the bed.

Five minutes later Brendon slid in next to me and wrapped his arms tightly around me. I didn't flinch, pretending I was asleep.

"Thank you Alex," he said quietly.

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