chapter fifty-six

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okay, this was an intense chapter to write, i don't want to give anything away so it's very very vague as of know but i promise soon answers will be spilled. 

also i wasn't going to post this chapter yet but i wanted to post it for @EvangelinePerkins who is so so so sweet! 


I rolled over and found Josh quietly asleep next to me. I slipped out from under his arm and walked over to the mirror to adjust my hair.

"My shirt looks good on you," Josh said as he propped himself up on his arm and scanned me up and down. I blushed slightly as I noticed I wasn't wearing any pants and that I was in Josh's pink Vesperteen shirt. Josh sat up with a shirt on and stretched out his arms. I quickly looked away knowing that otherwise I would be staring forever. "Come here you," he said pulling my arm and pulling me so I was on top of him. He kissed me and I kissed him back and I felt his smile for through the kiss.

"You're good at that," I said quietly.

"Believe it or not you're the only one I've gotten to do that with," he said quieter.

"You're cute," I said standing back up and returning to my spot in front of the mirror. Josh came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I think I'm going to go take a shower, if you care to join me, the bathroom is down the hall," he said half joking half serious. I gave a small laugh and pushed him out of the way.

I took the time to sit down and look at my phone since I hadn't really gotten the chance to do that since I arrived.

I had multiple missed calls and texts mostly Ryan but some from the others as well.

Ryan: Alex where r u is everything okay?

Okay I am trying not to freak out because I know you're smart but please respond.

Alex, please I am stressed as fuck


Brendon: Hey dude Ryan said you weren't answering texts, just wanted to make sure you're good

Hannah: Um, you weren't here when I got home yesterday morning and the boys haven't heard from you can you text me and let me know you aren't like dead or some shit.

Pete: Do you have a lighter I can borrow?

Patrick: Um, are you okay? Idk, everyone else is a little nervous, I'm not though I know you're smart.

Pete: Never mind homie I found one

Wanna hang out and smoke some?

Patrick: Ryan is a mess rn

Hannah: Girl what the fuck,

Dallon: Alex can you respond to someone's text everyone's freaking out and Hannah won't shut up

Ryan: Okay, I have calmed and collected myself because I remembered we had a plan. And since you have not sent me a "K" I am aware you are in no type of trouble.



Pete: Bro wtf r u missing?

Brendon: Alex please, just please be okay.

I read through the texts and laughed at my friends, I felt bad that I left them in the dark but they had to know I was okay. I went to call Ryan but just as I started dialing I got a text.

Ryan: Um, hi I know you might not see this but I want you to know that wherever you are right now you should probably leave. Like right now.

I looked at the text intently and felt my heart beat start to race. I quickly dialed his number and it only made it one ring before Ryan's voice came through. It was shakey.

"Alex! Guys I got her!"

"Ya, sorry, I'm at josh's we just hung out here last night and it was so amazing and oh Ryan I can't wait to tell Hannah all about it! Is she there-" I started but he cut me off.

"Ya she's here were coming to get you, can you meet us at the gas station across the street. Like as soon as possible." He said ignoring everything I had said before.

"Ryan," I paused. "What the fuck is going on?" I started to get more nervous.

"Where's Josh?" is all he said.

"He just got in the shower why?"

"Perfect, you gotta get out, now, Alex!" he said more demanding this time.

I saw a car pull up outside the house and I smiled.

"I thought y'all were gunna meet me at the gas station why did you just pull into the driveway?" I said peeping through the window.

"What? We're still 10 mins away," Ryan said. I squinted my eyes closer and inside the car that just pulled up I saw someone I never expected to see.

"Oh my god," I said. My heartbeat started to sky rocket. "Ryan what do I do?" I said looking for an exit. I heard car doors slam and the door knob to the front door started to jiggle. I ran quickly back to Josh's room and swung open the window. I kicked out the screen and jumped my way through it.

"What's that?" I heard an unfamiliar voice say from behind me.

"That's her you fucking idiot!" another said. I sprinted quickly through the forest of trees behind Josh's house and kept running straight until I heard the sound of a highway approaching.

I felt out of breath and on the verge of passing out but I kept going due to the sound of footsteps following close behind me.

Once I reached the highway I waited until there weren't many cars and I bolted across the street and into the gas station ahead of me.

The small bell jingled above my head and I leaned over grabbing my side in pain. I took a few deep breathes then looked up to see multiple people staring at me inn confusion.

Mind you, I had no pants on what so ever.

"Um," I said.

"Alex!" I heard Ryan yell from outside. I ran out and jumped into the backseat. Hannah grabbed me and pulled me into a tight squeeze. She ran her hand through my hair and I started to cry.

"Alex, I am so sorry," Ryan said.

"What was he doing there? And who were those two boys chasing me? And how did they know I was at Josh's? And why?" I asked so many questions but I was crying now and I was positive they didn't understand a word I had said.

"That's all stuff to explain when we get back," Ryan said. Hannah looked as clueless as I did.

"I'm so sorry Alex," I heard Brendon's voice say from the front seat. I didn't even see him in the car. I didn't even know he was here. "I'm sorry."


Who do you this HE is?

Why do you think he's after Alex?

Is Josh good or bad?

What do y'all think is about to go down?

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