chapter sixty-one

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"Are you sure it's not too much?" I asked as I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Alex, nothing is too much for prom," Hannah said as she applied her fourteenth layer of lipstick.

"I don't know what if he thinks I look gross?" I asked nervously grabbing my shoes from the counter.

"Um, then he's fucking stupid. Brendon is honestly going to want you so bad after he sees you like this," she said grinning from ear to ear.

I rolled my eyes and looked back in the mirror. I was wearing a super simple dress the had a slit coming up to my mid-thigh on my right leg, something I knew Brendon would love. The dress had a super low cut in the front and the back was almost symmetrical. It wasn't anything extraordinary but I wasn't really that big of a dress person anyways. My shoes were also black and they were strappy as hell. My hair was in a messy ponytail up-do type thing, courtesy of Hannah and my makeup was simple but you could tell if it rained I would be screwed.

Brendon never actually asked me to prom we kind of just made a mutual decision to go which I liked a lot more. Hannah on the other hand told Dallon he had to ask her in an extravagant way other-wise she would say no, so the poor boy went out of his way and set up a promposal that took her on a 24 hour journey.

It was my first and last prom and I was honestly really excited. Spencer hadn't been seen anywhere for the past few weeks and he was even in class anymore. Josh on the other hand had called me multiple times and tried talking to me in the halls but I just couldn't bring myself to actually talk to him. I felt bad since he really didn't do anything, I just couldn't help it.

"Let me tape this to your thigh," Hannah said showing me a small flask.

"What?" I asked laughing a little.

"Well they'll probably check our bags but they aren't going to feel us up," she said with a devilish smile. I held up my dress so she could tape it and with it she taped a lighter. "That's my lucky lighter, you lose it, you're screwed."

We put on our shoes and touched up our makeup for the last time.

"Oh and I have one last thing!" she said running awkwardly to her room. "Here."

She handed me a box the was wrapped neatly with a black ribbon tied on top.

"What's this?" I asked ashamed that I didn't get her something.

"It's for your after-prom party with Brendon," she winked. I slowly opened the box and my eyes almost fell out of my head when I saw what was inside.

"Han, I," I stuttered my words.

Inside laid the skimpiest but also the most beautiful set of lingerie I had ever seen.

"Surprise Brendon with that tonight, and thank me tomorrow!" she winked. Before I could say anything else the doorbell rang which signaled Brendon and Dallon were here.

I opened the door and as soon as Brendon saw me he bowed down. I felt my face turning bright red and I gave him a small kick.

"Stop that," I laughed.

"Holy fuck!" he said a little too loud. I rolled my eyes and we exchanged a kiss as did Hannah and Dallon. "What's that?" he asked pointing to the box in my hands.

"This, is my present to you," I said smiling. He reached to grab it from me but I pulled away. "You'll see it on later," I whispered in his ear. He smiled and kissed me again.

"I like the way you think Miss Alex," he said. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him. "Are you two ready?" he called up the steps towards the other two. They nodded and we headed out to Brendon's car.

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