chapter fifty-eight

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This chapter is for @_babyharleyquinn !!!


Brendon walked into his room leaving me on the couch alone. I looked down at my legs which had scrape marks up and down from running through branches and my feet were covered in dirt. Josh's shirt was completely ripped and ruined and part of me felt bad.

Brendon walked into the living room a few minutes later and handed me some folded clothes and a towel.

"I ran a bath for you, and there's a pair of shorts and a tee shirt for you," he said plainly. He headed back to the kitchen but I stopped him.

"Are you mad?" I asked standing up, my grip tightening on the clothes he gave me.

"Mad at what?" he said confused.

"That Josh and I," I paused.

"How can I be mad? He's your boyfriend," he said. I wasn't convinced though. I walked down the hall into the bathroom and shut the door behind me.

I looked at myself in the mirror but all I saw was a reflection of Spencer. I felt my heart beat speed up and I gasped for air, I blinked few times and when I looked again it was just me.

"Brendon?" I called. He walked down the hallway towards me and looked at me with a blank expression. "Can you, um, like, sit in here with me?" I asked nervously. He nodded and sat down on the floor next to the tub. "Can you close your eyes, just until I like get in the tub and stuff," I said blushing. He did as I said and I quickly slipped into the warm bath.

The warm water stung the scrapes on my legs but eventually everything that ached started to feel better.

"You can open your eyes."

I saw his eyelashes flutter open from the side but he didn't turn to look at me, he stared straight across at the wall in front of him.

"I'm so sorry," he said under his breath. His breathing grew uneven and I saw a few small tears escape his eyes.

"Brendon," I said sitting up a little making sure I was still covered by bubbles.

"This is all my fault," he said not looking at me.

"No Brendon it's not."

"Yes Alex, it is, and I can't tell you why because it would just make things so much worse," he said. He finally turned to look at me and his big brown eyes were full of tears and I felt every inch of my heart breaking for him. I was so in love with Brendon Urie, and there was no question about it.

"How did you know he was coming for me?" I asked. I had been curious as to how he knew that I was in danger before anything even happened.

"Obviously you know Ryan tracked your phone, well he tracked Spencer's too. When we saw him heading towards where you were we just kind of knew," he said.

"And you think Josh knew they were coming? Like he planned it? He was just playing me like chess? He got me in a spot I didn't know well and then I had nowhere to go?" I asked trying to hold in my tears.

"I would like to think Josh didn't know, I want to think it's just an untimely coincidence, wrong time, wrong place type thing, but I don't even know anymore."

"I've been so good at avoiding Spencer at school and stuff, I just, I don't understand."

"I know," he said quietly.

We sat in silence for a few more minutes and then I decided my body was starting to prune up.

"I'm going to get out now," I said.

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