chapter forty-nine

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Saying that lunch was awkward would be an understatement. Brendon had his eyes glued on Josh and I the entire time. Everyone else seemed to get along with Josh pretty well but since Brendon found out he was the spring break boy he had been super reserved.

"So I'm getting the vibe that Brendon doesn't really like me," Josh said walking to my locker with me after our last class.

"What would make you say that?" I asked. I really didn't want Brendon to take this out on Josh. I mean Brendon did say that we had both moved on and that he was happy about it but anyone could tell he still wasn't okay with the seeing new people thing.

"Well after lunch he pulled me aside and said "I don't like you that much but I'm going to try for Alex's sake"" Josh laughed. I took a deep breath.


"What did he mean for your sake? Is there something between you two?" he asked. Josh had a lot of questions and he deserved answers even if I didn't feel like giving them.

"It's a very long story Josh," I said as I tossed my backpack over my shoulder.

"Well it looks like I've got the time!" he said looking at an imaginary watch on his wrist. "Plus I haven't seen anything in this town yet, I was hoping maybe you could show me around?" he said leaning closer to me.

"Shut up and follow me," I said guiding him to Pete's car. "Pete ca you drop Josh and I off at my house?" I asked getting into the backseat. Josh followed my lead and buckled his seat belt tightly.

"I guess," Pete said shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked confused as to why he hadn't started driving yet.

"Well, I'm giving someone else a ride too," he said quietly. I was going to ask who but before I could the passenger door swung open and Brendon slid in. He lit a cigarette and placed it in his mouth almost immediately. I let out an awkward cough and Brendon jumped.

"Alex!" he yelled. Once he saw Josh his smile turned to a frown and looked at Pete disappointed.

"I'm just giving them a ride to Alex's okay?" Pete said finally pulling out of the parking lot.

"Whatever," Brendon said rolling his eyes.

"I told you he didn't like me," Josh whispered to me.

"What was that strawberry head?" Brendon called not turning around but instead shooting me a glare through the rear view mirror.

"Brendon!" I shouted angrily.

"It was a joke calm your tits," he said blowing a puff of smoke in my face.

Luckily the ride was short and Josh and I got out quickly.

"Looks like Hannah's inside already, Josh you go ahead she'll let you in I want to ask Brendon something," I said showing Josh where to go. He didn't ask question and he went straight inside. I banged on the window and leaned inside the car.

"Get out now," I said firmly.

"Yes dear?" he said sarcastically.

"Brendon what the hell is wrong with you?" I almost screamed.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? You hardly know this guy and you're already taking him back to your place, what the hell is that about?"

"Brendon, I was just showing him around. You said it was okay for us to see other people, I didn't think this would be such a big deal!"

"I'm not mad about that okay, I just don't have a good feeling about this guy," he said almost out of breath.

"And why not? You were just fine with him before you knew he was the one from Cali why is it such a big deal now?" I asked trying to piece together whatever I could.

"Don't you think it's just a little weird that he just so happened to show up here? Out of all places he showed up here, isn't that weird!?"

"No, coincidences happen Brendon," I said calmer now.

"Whatever, just try to be safe and don't say I didn't warn you if things go bad," he said getting back into the car. Pete drove off quick and I just scoffed and turned around.

I walked inside to find Josh and Dallon talking and I met with Hannah in the kitchen.

"I'm glad Dallon doesn't hate Josh," I said sighing.

"Hate Josh? Who the fuck hates Josh? He's so funny!" she said smiling.

"Well Brendon isn't too fond of him, he thinks he's 'bad news'," I said rolling my eyes.

"Brendon's just jealous," she said. She walked over to Dallon and sat two inches too close to him which made Josh shift in his seat a bit.

"Josh we can go now!" I said trying to make this situation less awkward.

"Where are you two kids off to?" Dallon asked.

"I'm just going to show Josh around," I said as I grabbed my keys and jacket. Hannah and Dallon called out their goodbyes and I locked the door behind me.

"So where are we off to?" Josh asked.

"There's this really cute café down the street and I usually go there to study after school!" I said driving towards town. Josh stayed pretty quiet but once we got there he was a little more talkative.

We were going over our history notes when Josh's phone rang. He checked who is was then excused himself. It looked like he was arguing with someone but I didn't want to be nosey so I kept to myself. Once he came back he looked at me intently.

"Alex, why does Brendon hate me?" he asked.

"He doesn't hate you, he's just really protective over me," I said laughing a bit.

"Why though? Are you two dating or something?" I almost spit out my coffee but quickly contained myself.

"No Brendon and I just have a really complicated relationship," I laughed to myself.

"Tell me about it??" Josh asked. And so I did. Beginning to end, mine and Brendon's relationship.

Bad Idea #1.

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