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Kellie's P.O.V.

"Eric!!", I called out to my husband.

"Yeah!!", He answers back.

"Did you call the baby sitter?", I asked as I finished putting my hair in a ponytail.

"Uhh...", He started.

"Uhh what", I question before walking out of our bedroom and to him.

"She canceled on us", He answers.

"What! Why didn't you tell me?", I say as my eyes widen.

"Baby it ain't that big of a deal."

"Ain't that big of a deal? Eric we have to perform tonight and we have no one to watch Erin; especially cause it's short notice, what the hell do you mean ain't that big of a deal?"

He sighed. " assistant Angie gone be there so let's just.. Ask her."

I frowned. "I don't want her touching Erin."

"Oh my Jesus, here you go again with this shit."

"What?", I questioned.

"This shit with you and Angie gone have to stop."

I sucked my teeth. "That bitch be flirting with you right in front of my face and then she smile and shit like it's coo."

"She don't be flirting, you just get jealous easily."

"I know you ain't talking about nobody getting jealous easily", I say laughing.

"Anywhooo", He started.

"Let's go we finna be late."

"Ight", I say walking to our baby girl Erin.

"Hi mama", I say smiling.

She giggled as I strapped her into her car seat and headed outside to the car.

Their Concert

We pulled up to the building and Erin was already a little moody, I got her car seat out and we headed to the back door of the building that lead backstage to our dressing room.

We walked inside the room.

"Mr. Wright?", Eric's assistant called out.

I swear I can't stand her ass, she always be touching all over Eric and wearing her shirts with buttons loose and shit, I don't see why with her hairline receding, no edges having ass.

"5 minutes til' show time", She says smiling.

She walked to him and started fixing his clothes, I frowned before walking to him and moving her off.

"I got it", I say smiling as I fixed his collar.

Eric smirked before pecking my lips.

I kissed his lips slowly before smirking and rubbing his shoulders.

"Aye", Eric called out to his assistant.

"Yes?", She answered.

"Hold my baby girl Erin please."

By that time Erin was sleep in her car seat, I watched as he handed her to his assistant.

"Watch her good", I say while looking in her eyes and slightly frowning.

She smiled. "Okay", She said before walking out of the room.

"Fake bitch", I mumbled under my breath.

Eric laughed before pulling me over and kissing me deeply.

"I love you my Kellie."

I smiled. "I love you to."

I continued. "Hey you think we have enough time to.... You know," I say as I stroked his manhood from outside of his pants.

"Show time!!", Angie called out.

"Ughh we coming nigga", I say walking out the door.

Eric followed behind as we made our way backstage, the crowd was screaming in excitement and I felt the energy of each person running through my body.

The lights dimmed down as Eric and I walked on to the stage, when the lights came on the crowed screamed louder.

I smiled as Eric took his position on stage, the music came on and he started his verse. I bopped my head while watching the crowed.

People was screaming, singing, dancing, and waving their hands in the air.

When the chorus came on, I sung my part as Eric wrapped his arm around me, it was time for Eric's next verse and he made his way over to the crowed touching and shaking there hands and I walked over to the other side of the stage and looked back to check on Angie and make sure she was watching my baby good.

I saw Erin had woke from her nap and was laughing and smiling, I started singing the chorus and her excitement grew.

I put my hand out for Eric and he walked over, after that it was over she slid down Angie, crawled out to the stage and put her hands out for Eric; he picked her up and laughed before putting the microphone to her mouth and letting her finish the rest of the song with me.

I swear I could not stop laughing, I love my little Erin and my Eric.

I'm sorry that this took so long and if its not that good, but I can make you another one if you want just inbox me. wolfiebearforever


I am taking more request so feel free to inbox or comment if you would like one and thank all of those people for nominating my "eazy e imagines" book. I know it wasn't real or w.e. but it still meant a lot to know how many people like my books.
I love y'all 💋

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