ch. 21

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"Louis i'm concerned about you. Your more quiet in class and you always skip first period. Is there something going on in first period that you just dont want to go?"

I saw sitting in my guidance counselors office.

"I miss first period because I have work in the morning and it ends usually after first period ends." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Cant you talk with your boss to see if you can take work off to go to school in the morning?" She asked.


"Why may I ask?" She asked.

"Because I already have an A in her class. I know what everyone does. I can makeup my work just fine. I don't see why I should skip work for something that I can easily do after school or during lunch." I snapped.

"I never see you on school grounds during lunch though."

"Because my boyfriend picks me up and he takes me out to lunch." I said.

"Ahh a boyfriend. Boyfriends can always cause trouble but some can always cause goodness." She smiled.

"Can I go now? I have class and I don't need you to be waisting my education on your poor poetry." I got up grabbed my backpack and left her room.
I walked into my third period class and sat down at my usual seat. The teacher once again assigned us a project except this time she chose our partners. Fuck! The student sat next to me and took out his laptop and began to search up our topic.

"Do you have a printer at home?" He asked.

"No I don't even have a tv at home." I mumbled.

Great now I feel completely useless in this project.

"Its fine, I do. Wanna come over after school and work on this so we can get it done today?" He asked.

"I don't have a car." I mumbled.

"I do." He said with a small smile.

Great this kid is he exact opposite of me. I guess I can call in from work today.

"By the way, are you single?" He asked with a smirk.

"No, I have a boyfriend." I said slowly.

I smiled and began to think about Harry. I can't believe I'm secretly dating a almost celebrity.

"Oh lucky for him. He gets to have someone so cute." He mumbled.

"So our topic is on wheather dogs are smarter than cats. I don't have an pets but I believe that dogs aren't smarter than cats. I hate dogs." I mumbled the last part.

Every since the kidnapping I have hated dogs since then. That dog was supposed to fucking watch them did it? No, it fucking didn't. It watched as my sisters and brother were taken away from me, my mom, and Lottie.

"Why do you think-"

"Know. I know dogs aren't smarter than cats."

"Right, know. Why do you know that dogs aren't smarter than cats?" He asked.

"Because they cant do shit but sit and lay down and act like a fucking toddler rolling around on the floor for food." I snapped.

"You must really hate dogs. What did they do to you?" He laughed.

"I don't want to talk about mutts. I never got your name by the way." I looked to him.

"Oh my name is Barnaby. Barnaby Taylor." Barnaby smiled holding his hand out.

"Louis, Louis Tomlinson." I smiled shaking his hand too.
It was lunch time now. I got up grabbing my stuff and leaving the class room. As I was getting closer to the door I felt someone grab my arm. I turn around seeing Barnaby.

"Hey Barny?" I smiled.

"Care to eat lunch with me?" He asked.

"Uh sorry. I usually eat lunch with my boyfriend. Maybe tomorrow?" Barnaby nodded with a frown and walked away.

I sighed and left the building going to were Harry's car was parked as always. I smiled getting in the car and of course Harry pulled me into a kiss.

"So we finally got a manager and shes really nice." I nodded.

"Well then that means you don't need me! Yay." I smiled.

"Doesn't mean we cant hire a co-manager." Harry smiled.

"I'm not gonna be your co-manager Harry. I like the three jobs that I have." I warned.

"But those wont pay you as much as being my bands manager! That will get you to a million in one month!" I rolled my eyes.

"Im fine with having a thousand a month." I looked out the window.

"I like it when you try to be sassy." Harry stopped the car in our usual parking lot and leaned over biting my neck lightly.

"You and your sex drive!" I laughed.

"Hey I cant help it. I have a hot boyfriend." I blushed and got out the car.
I was sitting in the small plastic chair next to Lottie's bed and watched as she played on her DS.

"Louis? Why are you just staring at me? Don't you want to talk?" Lottie asked.

"Sure lets talk." I smiled.

"I got snapchat on my ipod and I added a few people. Do you have snapchat?" Lottie asked.

"Sorry Lot's the only apps I have on my phone are none." I laughed.

"Oh I also got a liking into this new band. There called One direction. I like there music and they sometime do covers of other songs." I smiled.

Great my sister has a liking for my boyfriends band. Hopefully she doesnt-

"My favorite is Harry Styles. He's cute." Lottie blushed.


KJ: Hello my lovely people and lovely readers and writers! Yes another chapter! Oh shit! Lottie is getting a liking for her big brothers boyfriend! Hopefully no drama starts.

Maybe there will be maybe there wont be. Comment please, I want to know what you guys would like to happen in the story give me some ideas. Also if you have any questions for me you can message me here or on Instagram. You should know my Instagram by now. Anygays, love you all, good night, morning, and or afternoon!

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