Ch. 32

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I stared at my phone waiting for it to ring or just get a text from him.

"Harry please put your phone away. Its dinner time." My dad said.

I groaned grabbing it and pocketing it. I then continued to eat.

"Why were you just staring at it? Are you waiting for some music company to take you guys in?" Gemma asked.

"No it was something else. It doesn't matter just forget it." I mumbled.

"So how is the music by the way?" My mom asked.

"Its going good I guess. Its hard making songs but its a lot easier than doing it alone." My mom nodded.

"What about your grades?" My dad asked.

I stopped chewing my food and stared at my dad not knowing what to say. I was failing three classes because of the band. I knew I couldn't tell him that because then ill get in trouble.

"Its going great." I smiled through my lie.

"All A's I'm guessing?" He asked.

"Robin! Harry doesn't need all A's Gemma never had all A's why assume he has it then?" Robin nodded.

"Sorry just thought that you would do better than Gemma in school." Gemma then got up and left the room.

"Look what you did now." My mom glared at Robin then left the room also.

"So what are you grades?" Robin asked.

"The normal. A's B's and C's but im trying to bring my C's up to A's." Robin nodded smiling.

"Thats good. I don't want my step son to be failing school. You have a very important career you need to have a good education also." I nodded then finished my food quietly and left to my room.

Once inside I laid on my bed and stared at my phone once more. I had already called Louis and he didn't answer so I'm assuming that he's either working or well working. Thats all he ever does anyways. I groaned and rolled onto my back staring at my ceiling. I heard a knock on my door and Gemma walked in.

"Whats wrong?" Gemma asked as she sat down on my bed.

"Nothing." I sighed.

Gemma shook her head and laid on my stomach sideways.

"Tell me or im not getting off." Gemma said.

"Whats there to tell? Also im not going anywhere anytime soon so its fine." Gemma let out a loud sigh.

"Is this about your boyfriend that you still haven't told me about but you told your band?" Gemma asked.

"His name is Louis and thats about it."

"Nice whats he like?" Gemma asked.

"Poor." Was my definition.

I smiled imagining Louis slapping my chest harshly for the definition I gave of him.

"He's poor? As in he has no home or he has a home but its small as fuck."

"He has a home but its small as fuck. Its fine because its just him so its decent."

"Why date a poor guy? Why not someone your type?" Gemma asked.

I stared at Gemma in shock. She had an annoyed expression on her face.

"Gem!" I got up quickly pushing her off of me.

"What? Its the truth. Your rich as fuck why date him? Hes only using you for your money probably!"

"Get out." I hissed.

"What? Why?"

"Get out!" I yelled pointing to the door.

Gemma held her hands up in defense and walked out. I fell back on my bed with my hands on my face. I don't care if Louis isn't rich he's perfect for me. Louis isn't using me for money I know that because he keeps declining me on helping him pay for the hospital bill. I rolled over to my stomach and turned my phone.

"Siri call Lou."

"Calling Lou." Siris angelic voice said.

I stared at the phone while it was on speaker waiting for it to answer.

"Hey this is Lou call me back im probably at work right now."

I sighed and turned my phone off and face planted into my pillow.

"Whats going on with you Lou?" I groaned.
I sat in that hallway for who knows how long. My ass was numb but I really didn't care. I almost killed my sister. I can't believe that. I'm literally the worst fucking brother in the whole world right now.

I felt my phone vibrate again. I sighed and pulled my phone out of my back pocket and saw it was Harry. Why can't he just leave me the fuck alone!?

KJ: Hello my lovely people and lovely readers and writers! Yes another chapter! I took my exams yesterday! I passed my bio and english! Then I took my Geo today.

I have no clue what I got on it yet but I hope I passed because that shit was hard. I get to take my history exam tomorrow I really hope I pass that. I then have no school Friday so I have a whole day of updating wattpad for you all! Anygays pray for me on passing my Geo exam and history exam! Love you all, good afternoon, morning, and or night.

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