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You know whats the hardest thing to do in life in my opinion? Paying bills. Phone bills, hospital bills, along with rent. Ugh water, electricity, then I have to make sure I have enough money for food. Now I know why mom and dad always looked so depressed and stressed on tax day.

This is hard I had to change my whole school schedule just to get a class to teach me how to pay bills and rent. I passed but now I have do actually do this shit. Ugh at least I'm not behind on anything. Well thats a lie. I'm a little behind on the phone bill but thats okay.

I barely use my phone and Lottie doesn't use her phone at all. She's at the hospital. She practically lives there. I got taken out of my thoughts when my phone was ringing. I snatched it seeing Harry was calling.

I smiled answering, feeling loved to be hearing his voice on my stressful day.

"Hey Lou. Care for dinner today?" Harry asked.

I sighed. I knew this would happen. Its usual. He gets bored before dinner happens. I already had my dinner then I say yes and he takes me to dinner only for me to eat a little and wrap the rest then I pay half of the bill. Only thing is that I'm broke now because of fucking bills.

"I'm sorry Haz. I can't im busy with so much homework. My teachers decided to be assholes and give me a shit ton of homework. Maybe tomorrow I think. If I have money." I mumbled the last part.

"What was that last part Lou?" Harry asked.

"N-nothing but I'm really sorry I can't make it today. I have way to much homework to get done. Love you. I'll see you tomorrow at lunch okay?" I asked.

"Yep love you too." Harry replied.

I quickly hung up slamming my face on the small coffee table. Yeah coffee table in the kitchen. It used to be in the living room but I had to sell our table for $500 for more money. Then I had to sell my parents clothes which helped a lot. Now they don't have any more clothes besides the ones they left with.

I sold our flat screen tv then mine in my room then the one in my parents room. I don't have that much stuff in this apartment any more. Its lonely too being in a two bed one bath all alone. Harry comes over sometimes as in once every few months. I remember when the second time he came over he asked where all the tv's were.

I smiled unlocking the door to my apartment. Once I let Harry in I immediately went to the kitchen in search of a snack for him to eat. Its what everyone does for a guest right?

"Lou?" I hear Harry yell from the living room.

"Yeah." I responded in a less loud voice.

"Where are all the tv's? They were here last time? Oh my god did you get robbed?!" Harry ran into the kitchen hugging me.

I sighed pulling out my fake smiled and fake laugh. I shook my head and turned around kissing him lightly.

"No Haz I sold them to someone that would actually use them. I don't have time for tv so whats the point in having them?" I smiled keeping myself fro crying my eyes out.
End of flashback

I used to love watching tv. Ever since mom and dad left. I didn't find it fun anymore. Then when Lottie got sick I didn't watch it at all. I can't even remember the last time I watch a tv show.

Its fine though I have Lottie, and Harry. They are my tv just sad and romantic.
I groaned turning my alarm off on my phone and getting up. Most people shower in the morning to like get up faster. I decide not to because I don't want my water bill to get any more higher than it already is. I quickly get dressed brushing my hair out of its knots. Glad I don't have to pay a fucking bill on my hair.

I grabbed an apple and my school bag then left the house locking the door. I then did my normal journey to school. Take a shortcut through a small area that no one lives in. It has a shit ton of graffiti that looks really cool though. This place also scares the shit out of me.

This is also the reason why Lottie is in the hospital. She was going through here to take the shortcut to school one day while I was sick. Then she got kidnapped, raped, and they injected something in her vein. Now shes to sick to even leave the hospital. I only go through here because no one comes here in the morning anymore.

Thats great so I won't have any chance of getting injured and making Harry worry about me.
Once I get to my school I immediately went to my classroom doing whatever extra homework I could do. Thats all I ever do when I'm in school now. Get here do extra homework. Get whatever I can get done before the teacher gets here. Then I do school work.

Yeah my life is boring when it comes to school. Then it gets interesting when it comes to Harry. Then it goes to sad when it comes to Lottie. Then it goes back to boring when it goes all the way back around to home. I have a non-interesting life.

I smiled thinking about Harry. He's made my two years of us being together amazing. More amazing then anything so far. With my parents being gone and the police think they are dead. I believe they are still alive.

I know they are. I can feel it they still have a soul and I know they are out there somewhere. Possibly safe, hopefully safe.

KJ: Hello my lovely people and lovely readers and writers! Another chapter! Hope you like it! Once again press that fucking lovely star! Louis needs it more than anything. Don't know what it would do for him but it would do something. *wink wink*
Question of the chapter, Do YOU believe that Louis parents are still alive?
Thats it for today! Hope you all have a good night, morning, or afternoon! Love you all!

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