Chapter 2: Too Much Romance!

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*BELL* "Hey, Lucy!" I shouted from across the hall. "Katie!" I heard from a short distance and I see Lucy running through the crowd. "Can I come to your place?" I asked politely and She nodded "Lets go." she commanded. I smiled and followed her out and on the way I spotted Nathan. "Lucy, Nathan's over there" as I pointed her to the right direction.

She smiled and ran over to him and jumped on him, hugging him I followed her jogging after her. "Hey Honey!" she said to him and he replied with hugs and kisses. He said "Hey babe, got to go guys, cya!" they all replied with a bye. Brandon was in the group and he was staring at me, I could feel it, plus I could see it out of the corner of my eyes. "Bye guys" me and Lucy said before walking away.

While we were waiting Lucy and Nathan were making-out at the drop-off zone. The principal walked past and said "You two separate now or detentions for both of you." I just smiled and snickered. "What's so funny?" he asked.

I replied "Why do you want them to separate? Is it because you've never been loved, your jealous! That's the reason." I heard everyone around me laugh, even Brandon. "Detention for you tomorrow lunch." I smiled and nodded, he turned around and I shook my head and started laughing. 

Lucy and Nathan started making-out again because no one really cares about what the principal says. Ewww, too much romance I thought. Lucy's mum turned up and we had to leave but they wouldn't let go of each others lips. "Lucy, your mums here." I told her, She mumbled "Babe, I got to go." I walked over to the trunk to put my bag in it.

I heard Nathan mumble "No, stay with me." She smiled and told him "No, I really have to go." He stopped kissing her and they embraced, he said "fine, fine, bye." She gave him one last kiss.

We got inside and I asked politely "Hey Lucy, Can I borrow your laptop? Please?" She replied with a thumbs up. I ran up the stairs and into her room. I grabbed the laptop and sat down on her bed. A little while later I got called downstairs for afternoon tea and I ran down stairs, two steps at a time because I was starving. I ran downstairs and sat there eating talking to Lucy about soccer.  

After afternoon tea, Lucy and I ran to the staircase. "First one to the top wins" I challenged she nodded her head "3, 2, 1, GO!" She shouted. She was in the lead except I sped up and I won. "See, It's a fact, Mid-fielders always win" I told her, I smiled. "Shut-Up Katie" she argued and we both laughed. *BLING* "Katie, you got a message on Facebook" Lucy said. "Thanks Lucy" I replied. It was Brandon, he asked if I was free tomorrow night.



Hey, Are you free tomorrow night?


Yes, you live down the street from me right?


Yeah, see you there.

After this I got ready for soccer and went to training with Lucy.

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