Chapter 39: Happy Birthday BF!

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It's my boyfriends birthday today! I am currently in the car on the way to his 'party' thing you might call it. It's his family and some friends he invited over. Unfortunately, Josh is coming too because mum said "he's your brother, he has to go."

Is she saying that I can go to Joshs' friends party because I'm his sister? No, it apparently doesn't work like that.

We arrived at Brandons house and Lucy was just getting out of her mums car. She is 30 weeks pregnant now. He stomach is so big now, not even a loose shirt could cover it. I got out of the car, walked over to her and gave her a hug.

We walked to the front and knocked on the door. Brandon opened the door with a massive smile on his face and he gave me a tight squeeze.

"This is the best day ever!" He shouted and wouldn't let go of me.

"Why?" I mumbled in his chest.

"I gotta a job! A real job as a student teacher at our old school!"

"That takes years of UNI! How'd you do that so quickly?"

"Remember that opportunity where you got a job for refereeing and you could choose teaching, child care excetra?"

"Yeah, I kinda do. Grade ten right?"

"That's the one! I got a test to see if I was allegable for teaching and turns out I aced it so I can start teaching whenever!"

"You're allowed to do that?"

"The school said so, so I guess so! They called a university and they marked it and said I passed! I was asked to teach wood work, metal work, HPE and Maths."

"Good job!" I smiled and hugged him back. "And, happy birthday."

I handed him a box present thats wrapping paper was monkeys eating bananas in different poses.

"I like the wrapping paper, I like monkeys." Brandon smiled and my family greeted Brandons. It's good how our families are close and get along with each other. Michael and Josh seem to get along.

"I thought you would," I said, smiled, walked into the kitchen and everyone followed. I bought Brandon a new iPhone case that he liked, it was black, white and green with 'Just do it' by Nike on the back in green writing.

He opened it and we kissed after another tight squeeze.

"Thanks baby," Brandon thanked. "Tonight Michael, Bridget, Justin and I are going to the T-twenty big bash tonight, do you and Josh want to join us?"

"Sure," I said and gave him another hug.

"I'm in!" Josh agreed and gave Michael a high five. He does enjoy cricket...

"We are leaving at around three so we've still got another six or so hours."

"Awesome, thanks." We walked out to his backyard and tables, chairs etc. where all set up.

"Hey guys and gals," I greeted, making my way to the seats next to Lucy and Nathan and across from Bridget and Justin. My brother and Michael where playing the slap game (the quick reflexes one), Justin and Bridget where talking, our parents where talking to each other and Lucy and Nathan where talking.

They all greeted back and waved. We sat down and held hands. After half an hour Brandons cousins, aunties, uncles and grandparents arrived with some mates from school, then food was served. Just small food like cheese and crackers. Around lunch time we had chicken from red rooster with some other things also from red rooster. Then after just sitting around and playing with his cousins, there was CHOCOLATE CAKE!

The candles where lit and everyone starting singing "Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Brandon! Ha-appy birthday to you!"

"Hip hip," His dad shouted.

"Hoo-ray!" Everyone yelled.

"Hip hip!"


"Hip hip!"

"Hoo-ray! Make a wish!" Brandon and his younger cousins helped him blow out the candles. They are so cute! He gave them a highfive and put his four year old cousin down. "Speech! Speech! Speech!"

"Okay! Alright!" Brandon gave in after several times of repeating that. "I would like to thank everyone for coming, my aunties, uncles, cousins, both nanna and pops, old mates from school and my girlfriend. I'm legally an adult now, I can finally drink! No, but thanks everyone for coming and hope you enjoyed being here!"

"Cut the cake!" Michael rushed and Brandon picked up the knife adding an evil smile. His cousins and everyone but his mum, ran as far away from him as possible. He cut it and it touched the bottom so he gave his mum a peck on the cheek. Most people had some cake and sat around talking, leaving the party or playing with the kids.

Josh and I didn't leave Brandons house for the day because we didn't need to change. I was wearing some denim jeans, a white tank top type shirt, a red jumper and some black vans. Josh had a white shirt with Walter White and the breaking bad characters on it in cartoon form, denim jeans and some blue and grey joggers.

We drove in Justins car to the bus station and got out. We went into the café and got a milkshake or smoothie each. I got a Strawberry smootie, yum!

When we finished our drinks, we all got on a bus and fans of the Brisbane Heat flocked it. There where ony two spots left with still more stops to come. Not many more people loaded the bus at the stops, thank god.

We got to the gabba in a ten or so minute bus ride. We got in and got food before it got busy.

"Josh, what do you want?" I asked my idiot brother.

"Just a hot dog and coke please!" He replied. I got it and handed his shit to him. I got some potato gems that Brandon and I are sharing along with a bottle of coke and water we snuck in.

We found our seats up on the second floor area that is packed. Its right at the front of the second floor so we dont have to worry about someones head being in the way.

Brisbane heat won! Some guy hit three sixes in a row and ended with six sixes and four fours. He ended up getting caught out unfortunately. The score was one hundred and forty-two runs and five outs. On the bus ride home everybody in the group but Bridget stood up. It was packed!

We got back to Brandons place. Josh was sleeping on an air matress in Michaels room, Bridget and Justin went home and I slept in Brandons room with him.

I liked this birthday! Everyone enjoyed themselves and I really hope Brandon did too.


Sorry it's so short and it's been a long time but school has just started up again and I got heaps of homework the first day!

Please forgive me! ;)

~Megan xx :D

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