Chapter 28: Camping Summary

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~Katie (for all of it)~

~Day 1: The set up day~

"Im helping!" Lucy said to Nathan grabbing the tent thing off the ground. I was setting up a camping chair for Lucy to sit on. 

Now that she is pregnant, we are not taking any chances.

"No your not, go sit down!" Nathan interrupted.

"Yeah, we will help set up your tent. Go sit down," Brandon said unloading the boot. She looked at all of us, huffed then walked away and sat down in the chair.

Lucy read us the instructions as we followed them and set up everything. The tents, chairs, gazebo, air mattresses and camping cupboards etc. We had everything done in under three hours.

I started unpacking the food into the cupboard.

"lemme do that," Brandon said as he tried pulling me away which was successful. He wrapped his arms around my waist so I couldn't move. "You've done enough today."

"No, lemme do this," I said trying to wiggle out of his grip.

"Not good enough." He spun me around to face him and leant in to kiss me. I gladly accepted it and wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled me in closer and put his hands on my back, rubbing my spine up and down.

The rest of the day was a drag. We sat around and did nothing much.

For lunch we had nothing.

For dinner we had hotdogs.

~Day 2: Just Chilling~

I woke up to the smell of someone making breakfast. Mmm, smells good.

I looked to the side Brandon was on and he was gone. I got up out of bed and opened the tent to go outside.

"Morning," Brandon said and walked over to me to give me a kiss. Lucy was sitting on Nathan's lap watching us. I willingly accepted the kiss.

"There are children around," Nathan said and chuckled. We pulled apart and chuckled along with them.

The rest if the day was a lazy day. 

For breakfast we had pancakes.

For lunch we had ham and salad sandwiches.

For dinner we had Potato bake that was homemade by Lucy. 

~Day 3: Some traveling~

We drove around for a fair while just looking around.

Turns out their is a train track there and heaps of other things we never knew about.

Breakfast: Cereal (Cornflakes)

Lunch: Hot chips

Dinner: Resturant

~Day 4: There's a storm coming?~

"babe, check dis out!" Brandon saud showing me his phone. He had the bom radar up, it was mostly red and dark blue which means rain or even hail. "Thats coming in two days according to this thang."

"What do you want to do?" I asked. He shrugged and showed Nathan and Lucy. 

"We will see how it looks tomorrow, ey?" Brandon  suggested. We all nodded and I continued making lunch.

Breakfast: Cereal.

Lunch: Rolls with butter.

Dinner: Roast.

~Day 5: Nope, we're leaving~

"It's disgustingly hot today," Lucy said wiping the sweat from her forehead.

"Yeah." Brandon said pulling out his phone. He opened it up and typed something. As soon as hiS eyes went wide we all got a text.


Cyclone warnings for south-east Queensland and...

"Um, no. We're leaving," Nathan said. We all nodded and started packing everything up.

Once that was over we left for our houses. We all decided we are going out for dinner to a restaurant and we are staying in Lucy's lounge room.  

Breakfast: Maccas.

Lunch: Red Rooster.

Dinner: Restaurant.

~Day 6: Just some movies~

"what are you doing home so early?" Lucy's mum asked as she cooked up breakfast.

"Storm, cyclone thing thats gonna hit." Nathan said.

"Well, what are you gonna do for two days?" Lucy's mum asked.

"I vote we hire out some comedies and we live in the media for a few days," Lucy said.

"Agreed!" I said slapping my hand on the table.

"Oh, Katie and Lucy. You know how your mums and my birthday are near each other?" She asked and we both nodded. "We are having a big mixture birthday party. Your family and our family are going to be there, including Nathan and Brandon's family. Your parents haven't met Brandon's  if I am correct." 

"Sweet." We all said at the same time. This happens a lot to us lately, we all think of the same thing and say them at the same time.

"Lets go get us some movies!" Brandon said. We all got up off the chairs and went to blockbuster.

Movies: Dumb & Dumber, Pitch Perfect (Girls choice), Anchorman, Stepbrothers and Hangover 1,2 and 3 (Boys choice).

Nothing but junk food.. Popcorn, lollies, chips, chocolate etc.

~Day 7: Nothing..~

The title.. 

We sat and talked, ate, drank and watched

movies for the whole time.

I sent a text to my team minus Jan and Jean about the soccer w-league Brisbane roar team are playing next weekend! Most of the team said thats all good for me and the others said they'll get back to me tomorrow. 

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