Chapter 14

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I wonder if Kiba is okay, I wonder what he was thinking about.

"Say Nikko how about in our free time we go get some food. And I know this one spot in school where hardly anyone goes to. I think you will like it." He said smiling at me.

"Hai" I replied smiling back but I look back up to see where our classroom is at. But I guess I was going the wrong way because soon Kiba grabbed my arm.

"Kitty your going the wrong way the Art classroom is over here come on" he said as our hands slowly wrapped into eachothers as our fingers intertwined.

His hand was warm and soft.

But I didn't feel anything at all. Soon we made it to the classroom.
Then I slowly got my hand out of his grasp. He look down where our hands were together with a small smile. I just decided to ignore it, falling in love again isn't something that I intend to do. Besides I can't feel love anymore...

We decided to sit next to eachother close by Ino and Sai. I got a window seat and decided to look out into the Sakura trees as the petals slowly passed by. Soon the sensei came in.

"Good Morning students, I am your art sensei Jiraiya. " said this one dude who had long white hair and with these red markings from his eyes to the bottom of his jaw line.

"Okay now to get to know you guys a little better, draw something that represents you. Anything at all. But it has to be meaningful and you guys are going to have to represent it in front of the class. Now begin." He said.

Soon I noticed everyone beginning to paint and draw. I know what to draw but I don't want to present it.

I look at the canvas in front of me. Should I paint or draw it out....

I look at the paint brush next to the so many colors of acrylic paint. I smiled . I'm going to paint and I just know what to paint as well.

I noticed everyone decided to draw except for Sai he went to the painting station as well. I went over next to him and noticed he was only using black ink.

"It as special type of paint, instead of using colorful paint I only use black paint but they are all different shades." He said while showing me.

I smiled looking at what he is painting. It was a scenery of flowers. Maybe for Ino who loves flowers like crazy. Ask her about any flower and she will answer you with every information and detail you need to know.

"It looks beautiful " I said while grabbing paint brushes and paint.

"Arigato" he said while continuing to paint.

Then soon I began to paint as well.

I decided to draw and shade it out. I'm drawing a wolf, it represents my loyalty and strength. That even though wolf may seem as an animal that can get through anything we have feelings as well. To protect those who we love and cherish in our lives.

I noticed Nikko got up and went over at the painting station. Seems we got another painter besides Sai.

I noticed them talk and smile at eachothers.

I noticed myself breaking my pencil in half.

"Kiba calmed down, they are just talking. Besides why are you jealous Nikko isn't anything to you but a friend right?!" Ino whispered yelled to me.

I slowly evened my breathing.

"Or does she actually mean something to you" she said smirking at me.

"Tsk no she doesn't just leave me alone" I said while going back to drawing.

"Denial " she said smiling while going back to her drawing.

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