Chapter 12

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Soon the gang all met up at the cafeteria.

"Say Sakura Chan you look quite beautiful today can I assume you have a special someone" Nikko said while wiggling her eyebrows.

Sakura began to giggle." Well actually I'm already taken" she said blushing.

Soon Sauske wrapped his arms around her waist while smirking." By the one and only Uchiha of course." He said.

"And what about you Ino" Nikko asked.

"Actually I'm taken too but he seems to be la-
She was soon cut off by some this one guy kissing her.

"Sorry I'm late bae woke up late" this one almost pale guy said with Raven hair.

"Ah Nikko Chan meet my boyfriend Sai " she said.

Soon Sai look at the girl and smiled.
"Ohayo Nikko" he said while searching his hand out while smiling.

"Ohayo Sai" she said while accepting the hand shake.

"So are those all the couples" Nikko asked while eyeing everyone. Once she got to Hinata she blushed like crazy.

"Yeah pretty much for now..." said Sakura. Soon the bell rang for the students to begin going to class.

The bell rung. I look at my schedule to see what I have for the semester.

1. Math
2. Art
3. Free Period
4. Music
5 English
6. Soccer Team

I noticed everyone looking at my schedule.

"We have math with Nikko Chan " said Naruto and Hinata Chan while they high fives eachothers.

"We have art with you" said Sai and Ino

"We have English together Nikko Chan " said Sakura and Sauske.

"It seems I am the only one who has all kg the same classes as you kitty" said Kiba.

"And free period too lucky me and I also have soccer too for sixth period but with the guys" he said smirking at me. I just ignored him. He seemed taken aback.

Hm apparently I don't have any classes with Shikamaru nor Choji.

"Maybe next time Nikko we will have a class together" they said smiling.

"Hai" I replied.

"Say you try out for the soccer team here." Asked Shikamaru.

"No not really my old school referred me since I was the top girl back at my old school. But I'm glad to be in it...." I said smiling. Soccer does help me escape but what I love doing the most is hockey. It just sets me free.

"Alright Nikko Chan let's go to math" yelled Naruto while grabbing my arm and Hinata and dragging us to the math class. And Kiba tagging along as we waved at our other friends.

Soon we all walked out way to math class which was Kurenai Sensei.

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