Chapter 30

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All the students were studying or eating before class started.

Nikko was reading her book about Kibo.

The Wolf Beast of the Moon is a very precious wolf. It's not like any other. It's purpose is to protect its partner at all cost. So rage and desire to kill can be present but it depends of the yin and yang of the wolf.

It's feather is the significance of its life also it's how they use it for battling purpose. But only in a life or death situation since each use slowly shortens their life.

Now their necklace is very important when born they are given this necklace is a way to stay connected with their partner. It changes color so it expresses what their partner is feeling.

Now it's recorded that only two wolf beast of the moon are alive.
And it's said that they were twins born together. Kibo whom is the good in the yin and yang. And Luna whom is the bad in the yin and yang.


I was in a confused state. So Kibo is a twin pup. So what happen to the other pup. I may need to ask Hana sensei about it later. It was almost time to begin walking to class so I got up and made my way.

"Say Nikko where you going" asked Naruto.

"To class but I am going a little early cause I need to go to my locker see in math class though" I said while I continue to walk. The hallways were empty, it seems most of the students are either at the cafeteria or dorms. I continue to walk until I made it to my locker. 

"You better stay away from Kiba just because you beat me in our little fight in defense class doesnt mean you are better than me. " says a voice behind me. I turned around to be face to face with Storm.

"What do you want Storm. As I recall I have nothing to be settled with you." I say while closing my locker and walking away.

"Hold up there we arent finish yet. Just who do you think you are. From what I remember in our little fight you are different. Just why are you here Nikko and for what reason. . ." She said while smirking at me. 

I remained quiet . . .

"Maybe you are a beast...freak....more yet a MONSTER" she said while laughing so hard. I couldnt take it no more. I had no control over me I charged at her and punched her. I was constantly punching her. 

Until I heard a women yell.

"Nikko!!! In my office now!!!" I turned around to notice Lady Tsunade.

But once her eyes met mine she was shocked.


Once she turned to face me her eyes were in a midnight blue shade. she had wolf fangs and her whiskered fanged marks cheeks turned blue instead of being their original red color. Also her ears and tail turned blue and instead of being the neko she was she was a wolf.


"Mimi take Storm and Guren take Nikko and come with me. Jiraiya call for Naruto" soon I began to feel sleepy. I noticed Guren sensei was putting me to sleep with this weird herd in her hands. 

Then it went pitch black.


"Ni-san i got something for you." little me yelled while running to this little boy.

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