Chapter 18

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"Okay Kiba now that you know everything, please don't tell no one else." Said Kakashi sensei.

i simply nodded.

"So the only people who know about this is us right..."asked Mimi sensei.

Everyone nodded except for Naruto who seemed nervous. "Well teme know we can't keep secrets from eachother. So yeah he knows but our secrets are always between eachother. so yeah its safe" he said while smiling like an idiot.

Soon Nikko began to wake up. She tried to sit up but failed.

"Where am I ..." she said while to sit up again. Which she succeeded this time.

"You're in the nurse office. You fainted in Kakashi sensei class. " I said while helping her sit.

She simply nodded remembering what had happen. Soon Mimi sensei came up to her to give her the medicine she needed.

"Arigato" Nikko said while looking up at Mimi sensei. She seemed to studied her features. Then went back to drinking her meds.

"Are you okay Nikko" asked Naruto.

"Hm yeah I'm fine Arigato everyone " she said with a closed eye smile.

"Well for now rest for the class period. Kiba you can also be excuse. And Naruto go back to class. Iruka sensei has told me you need to study for his history class. So I suggest you get going." Kakashi sensei said.

Naruto got up going to class all grumpy.

Kakashi also went to class since he had to teach.

"Well Nikko for now rest up. If you need anything just call me." Mimi sensei said while walking off.

Then it just came to a silence in the room. Nikko was looking out the window watching the Sakura trees sway in the wind as some petals fell off to follow the wind.

That women...Mimi sensei she had the same eye colors as me and whiskered fang marks as well. And Kakashi sensei has the same hair color as me. They remind me of those people in my dreams but I can never see their faces. But having them together here, it felt warming and comforting. So they are the married couple. Who lost their child at five because she was kidnapped. Same age as me when I was kidnapped.

"Nikko you okay...." asked Kiba bringing me out of my thoughts.

I looked at him and nodded smiling.

He smiled at me too.

"Say how about we practice the song in my dorm after school. Before the night classes start. And to not make it difficult for you bring your night uniform and night classes/backpack so we don't have to run all the way back to your dorm. " he said while blushing explaining the last last.

Well he was right. The girls dorm is on the right side of campus. As for the boys it was on the left.

I nodded while smiling at him.

Then we just waited till soccer practice. It was quiet until I asked a question.

"Kiba does the leaf village have an ice rank" I asked while looking at him.

"Yeah but no one goes. It's usually empty why" he asked filled with curiosity.

"Just wondering..." I said while looking outside into the Sakura trees swaying.

Soon it was time for soccer practice. I thank Mimi sensie for the treatment.

"Any time sweet heart. And if you need me here is my number. Call me when you feel dizzy or anything at all. I will be there right away " she said while giving me the folded paper.

I accepted it and thank her.

Soon Kiba and I were headed to the fields for practice.

"Well I got to go change so see you in the fields Kiba" I said while walking off. To the girls locker room.

"Hai " he said smiling and running off into the boys locker room direction.

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