Chapter 6

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Soon we made it to the fountain.

"Ohayo Hinata Chan" yelled Blondie while hugging her. She was blushing like crazy.

"O-Ohayo Naruto kun" she said while playing with her fingers.

Awe Hinata stuttered. This is just so cute. But why can't I feel the love by it...the feeling love....

"Who this Hinata " Blondie asked which brought me out of my thoughts.

"Oh this is my new roommate Nikko she is also a new student here." Hinata said while introducing me.

"Ohayo" I said while waving with my left hand that had my ribbon tied onto it. He saw the ribbon and smiled.

"Your back " he whispered but no one heard.

Naruto knew so well who this person was his best friend. She had the silver hair just like his uncle Kakashi. The dance whiskered marks just like aunt Mimi. And the blue ribbon they gave eachother from their friendship.

He smiled like and idiot. But to make sure he would have to talk to Kakashi first.

"Well them come and meet the rest of the squad" Naruto said while motioning them to come with him under a Sakura tree where the others were sitting at.

"Hey guys meet our new friend and Hinata Chan new roomy Nikko " Naruto said while introducing her.

Everyone turned around and smiled.

"Ohayo I'm Sakura" said a girl with short pink hair who was wearing a cute pink sundress with black sandals.

"Ohayo I'm Ino" said a girl with long blonde hair who was wearing a one piece shirt short colored purple with black vans.

"Ohayo I'm Sauske " said the Raven haired guy who was wearing a blue button up shirt with dark colored jeans with black Nike.

"Ohayo I'm Choji" said quite chubby guy who was munching on chips. Wearing a red shirt and black cargos shorts. While having long Nike socks and vans.

"Hmm how trouble some Ohayo I'm Shikamaru" said a guy with pineapple hair wearing RHCP shirt and black jeans with Dr.Martin's.

"Ohayo I'm Shino" said a guy with sun glasses who had a white shirt and blue jeans. With converse on.

"Ohayo I'm Kiba" said the full whiskered guy. With chocolate brown hair and such  use chocolate brown eyes. He was wearing a black sweater with blue jeans. With old school vans. He smirked at me. I looked away. Not falling for those stupid tricks again. Not after what happen...

"Um Ohayo everyone nice to meet you" I said to everyone.

"Well then kitty I see you are here for the same reason as us ..." said Kiba.

Kitty ?
Oh yeah I'm not hiding my ears and tail.

"Hai" I said.

"Well then why don't we show her who we truly are as well." He said smiling.

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