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We both sat down as the sky was getting orange with red signifying the sunset. And our time to go inside since our curfew is earlier than usual. 

"So how have you been..." he asked while looking at me. 

"I have been good I guess," I said while smiling at him. I can not let him find out that I am leaving. 

"You know something I have been hearing rumors that some people are being free from their curse. I am not sure if its true but even me...I don't feel so angry all the time like I use to" he said while walking up to me. 

"Ah I have been hearing them too," I said while walking past him and sitting on the bridge. I pat the spot next to me while he came over. 

He sat down while we looked up into the orange-red sky signifying the sunset. 

"It pretty isn't it," I said while smiling at him. "Yeah she is," he said while looking at me. I looked at him while blushing...feeling this weird feeling in my stomach. 

He was coming closer while his hand brushed mine and intertwined with mine. I wanted this feeling...I really missed this feeling...

I closed my eyes waiting for the kiss but an alarm sounded off. 


We quickly got up and ran back to school to see the Akatsuki attacking our school. "Kiba we have to help," I said while he nodded. We ran to get our ninken partners. 

Soon enough we both were in the fight. 

"STOP THIS STUPID FIGHT!!!" Yelled a red-headed. 

"We want the girl known to have immortality where is she," he said while eyeing us. I became stiff at his words how did he know...

"Storm show her to me" he said. But when he said that name we all became shocked at how our own kind betrayed us. 

"The white Neko over there..." She said while coming from behind the red-headed also wearing a robe signifying she is in the Akatsuki. 

"How Storm...how could you betray us" yelled Tsunade sensei. 

"As if I cared being cured...having this makes me powerful despise it all even if it means I can never be a mom ever again..." she said while opening up her curse to me. 

Soon enough she charged at me I blocked her with my katanas but what the red head did next made my blood boil....

He charged at Kibo and cut off her feather...

"KIBOOOO!!!!" I yelled while my eyes became blue with flames with my ears and tail becoming blue with flames surrounding them.

"So you are a monster just like the baka of Naruto" Storm said while laughing. But soon enough I stabbed her. 

"Shut the fuck up bitch," I said while stabbing her over and over again. She fell to the ground dead I noticed the blood all over me while the school watched who I truly was...

Soon enough I charged at the red-headed...I was angry...sad...I wanted him to die!!!!

"If you want your pup to live and the school to be safe come with us" he said while my eyes watched him deflect my every move. 

"Bastard," I said with teary eye...but this was a chance to leave and save Luna. Soon my flames were gone with some burns on my skin...

"Fine" I said while he attached Kibo her feather. Then he picked her up and grabbed my hand. 

"Off we go then" He said while he hit my head making my vision go black... the last thing was seeing my friends....momma....and pappa....trying to save me but couldn't....I never told Hinata why I wanted to get stronger...nor told Kiba how I really feel now...and Ren...was he part of this...

Soon enough I blacked out. 




































I soon woke up with Kibo next to me and in a room dimed with a light coming from a single candle. 

Soon enought he door was opened to revealed the red headed. 

"I see you are awake...." he said while looking at me with those beautiful colored eyes...I looked away and blushed. 

"You killed my comrade" he said while that hit me. 

"Liar I would never kill someone" I yelled while glaring at him. "You sure bout that even when rage consumes you after I almost killed your mut" he said while dragging a dead body full of blood onto my bed. 

It was Storm....

I began to cry as I noticed my clothes they were ripped and full of blood...

"No....no...no....I would never kill" I said while crying...

"But you did...to save your precious friend and for that I was happy because I have heard that saving a friend is much braver and respectful even if it mean risking the mission" he said while smiling at me. 

I looked at him in disbelief. 

"That is why I have chosen you to be my new comrade....my name is Sasori" he said while extending his hand out to me. 

I looked at him and accepted his hand.

"My name is Nikko" 

This was not my form of leaving the school...but if it helped me escape then so be it...I will save Luna and not only her but every one who is cursed while being part of the terrorist group known as the Akatsuki.

I will become even more stronger

I will not be weaken by those who see me as a mere child or girl..I will defeat those who will get in my way...

Even if it means to kill...

I will protect those who are precious to me...my friends...my siblings in the sand...my momma and pappa....everyone.

I swear it on my life...

I will not be defeated by anyone...

"Come on lets get you changed" Sasori said while I nodded my head and picked Kibo up.

She is still weak from the feather being removed...I glared at Sasori for what he did to Kibo.

"I am sorry for dog..."He said while keeping his eyes upfront. 

"But if I hand't done that would you have beaten Storm and saved your puppy" He said while eyeing me. 

I nodded in understanding what he meant...he in a way made me stronger...

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