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Blank nothing but the night sparkling sky along with the moon where I last saw Luna disappear into the night sky full of stars. 

Its been so long I been I kinda lost track...slowly grass has been growing along with beautiful flowers of many colors.

I still held the feather of Luna...but what does it matter if she supposedly saved me. How? If I am still stuck here. 

I am starting to think that I didn't make it...I guess I died...but at least knowing that I saved my friends and family...I closed my eyes as I lay on the grassy field. Slowly my body began to glow as is became stars slowly fading into the night sky...

Just like Luna...but what I noticed was that a mark was on my writs...a crescent moon...At least I am bonded with you and the moon...

"Everyone bow and pay respects to our Princess of the Moon." That was when I noticed many wolfs that resembled Luna and Kibo appeared before me. But they weren't white..they were either grey or black... soon Luna appeared with Kibo by her side. I smiled. I bought both of them together. At last...

"Luna...Kibo!" I yelled while trying to reach out but my body began to fade. 

"All Hale our Princess!" they yelled and repeated it over and over. 

I smiled while a tear slipped out of my eye. Soon I was gone.

I felt my body numb while a slow beeping monitor could be heard. I opened my eyes to see that I was in a white room. I was connected to many fluids and a breathing machine. I began to take everything off. My body felt so sore and stiff. My hair was way longer and its as if I have been sleeping for years...

Soon many footsteps ran over to my room due to the high beep coming from the monitor. Once the door was opened it was revealed to be my friends and family...they looked kinda older...without their animal representation as well...

I smiled while crying like crazy. They all ran up to me and hugged me so tight. Lastly, Kiba was standing there while tears were falling. 

"You've finally woken up..." he said while walking over and planting a soft kiss on my lips. 

As he said that I was shocked. "How long have I been everyone okay...WHAT ABOUT KIBO...WHERES REN...AND THE-

"Calm down as we explain all of it..." Naruto said while Hinata simply smiled. Sakura was taking my vitals as Sasuke asked how were my muscles and if I was able to feel my body. 

"Nikko you have been in coma exactly marking a year today ever since we defeated the shadow. Lady Tsunade was healing both you and Naruto but since you had two beasts you remained in a coma. We all have taken turns in visiting you and taking care of you too. Your sand sibling as well and of course your parents. Ren was sentenced to jail. The Akatsuki disbanded leaving no trace of anyone. Sasori did leave you a note though. The Shadow never lived again and we all have been set free from our curses and animal representation. You as well. Since we were set free our bond towards a ninken was also set free. The spirited animals disappeared as well. Including Kibo. Kabuto was also nowhere to be seen. The school is now a regular high school to help those who have been curse catch up and begin regular school and get a better education. But since we are all over age now we just start to make best of fitting in jobs that are within our experience level due to our better education system. All those days are gone now so please enjoy life now" Sasuke said while he examined my reflexes. Which seemed fine. Apparently, this place I am in is owned by Sasuke and Sakura. A small hospital where they both are doctors. 

"Try to walk," he said. Once I stood up while holding onto the bed my legs felt weak. I tried walking but kinda failed. 

"Some physical therapy will be needed" he mumbled while noting that down. 

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