Chapter 17

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I guess Nikko was mad about the song we got but that doesn't mean she can just ditch on me.

The classroom was already empty it was only me and Storm. Who also getting her things.

I ignored her. I was fixing my folder inside my backpack until I felt a pair of hands around my stomach.

"I know you miss me Kiba kun~" she said while slowly bringing her hands lower to you know where.

I immediately pushed her off.

She only smirked.

"I don't miss you and I'll never will. You are too possessive and jealous. You didn't respect my space with my friends nor did you like them. So just please leave me alone.." I said while waling out.

Soon I made it to English to see Nikko talking to Sauske and Sakura. The table were in a group form so there was still space for one more. I made my way and sat next to Nikko.

I was about to tell her we should practice the song in my dorm. But Kakashi sensei Just has to come in.

"Hello class I'm Kakashi sensei your English sensei. Please write me a poem about yourself. And who you are she by the end of class. And no talking. You may hear music if you wish" he said while sitting down and reading his perverted book.

Soon I noticed Nikko take out her earphones and listen to music while writing. Well most as well do my work.

Something about this man just makes me feel weird.

I thought I was the only one with silver hair. But he seems to have it too. I studied his features. But non resemble me. Why would it get what am I thinking.

Soon I began to write my essay but I felt a little dizzy. Oh god why now...
I need to drink my pill before I faint. God if Garra was here he would of gave it to me already. He always carry extras just to keep me safe. You see I suffer from vertigo. (Its horrible guys trust me I have vertigo too)

But once I got up everything turned black.

I noticed Nikko got up but once she got up she just collapsed on the floor. What the fuck. Soon I got up followed by Sakura do Sauske.

"Kiba take her to the nurse fast" Kakashi sensei said. I nodded I carried her bridal style and dashed to the nurses office.

Once I walked in I noticed Mimi sensei was fixing the beds. Once she saw me she immediately dropped the blankets.

"Over here Kiba put her here" she said while grabbing Nikko charts.

I explained to her what happen. Once she finished reading the chart she knew what was wrong with her.

"She will be alright. She just fainted due to her vertigo." She said while fixing her pillow.

"What is that" I asked while sitting next to Nikko holding her hand.

"She suffers from dizziness if she doesn't drink her pill when she has to to she will faint. Like now" she said while caressing her cheek.

Then she noticed my hand holding kn to her.

"It seems you have grown an attachment to her Inuzuka" she said while grabbing some meds for Nikko when she wake up.

"Um I don't know yet. But one thing for sure is that her company clams and soothes me." I said which shocked her.

She knows my curse that's why.

"That's your cure Kiba. Your cure is Nikko." She said smiling. While going to look at my charts.

While looking at Nikko I noticed that her fang whiskers mark were the same as Mimi sensei.

I was looking at them back and forth they have the same face features. But the difference is her hair. It's like....KAKASHI SENSEI?!?!?!?

"Mimi sensei, did you ever have a daughter" I asked. Hoping she will answer me.

She remained quiet. While closing the chart.

"Yes Kiba, I have a daughter with Kakashi. The rumor is true. She was kidnapped when she was five. And if I'm correct, your assuming Nikko is our daughter. Which is also true. " she said tearing up while looking at me.

So Nikko is from the leaf village. She is the daughter of Mimi and Kakashi. So that means....she is also Naruto best friend. That are consider almost siblings. That's why Naruto didn't want to talk about the night blue ribbon. It was the representation of their friendship.

"Kiba please stay quiet about it. We must take it slow. " Mimi said.

She is right....

I simply nodded and waited till Nikko woke up. Besides we have soccer together.

Soon the door opens to reveal Naruto and Kakashi.

"Does he know" they asked

Mimi only nodded.

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