From The Shadow

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I wanted to be with her and say how sorry I I regret my actions towards her and made her feel so horrible...

As I watched her enter the school I was stunned to see her true form...

"How can I get closer..." I asked myself. 

"Why don't you make an oath," someone said but no one was there. I looked around and saw no one. 

"Hmm," I said with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh my boy make any wish you want and you shall be with her" the shadow appeared by my side. But I wasn't stupid.

"If I make an oath it will come with a price pretty obvious, now if I want to take the oath of what will happen huh?" I asked.

"My my such a clever boy, well its obvious there is no cure...all of it is such a lie...pressure to make the oath...if they do wish to be free...a piece of their life shall be mine" it said. I knew it...

"So if that is all I am leaving," I said. 

"Wait...lets make a wager. I change you into an animal, with no oath or whatsoever, in return you must get me the girl...the same girl you want is who I see she is the cure...her personality, brutal honesty, and loyalty towards herself. Her compassion and ability to make such bonds with those surrounding her, those who adore her. Because if you dont, the beast within her shall overpower her and grant her the ability to save everyone..." he said while showing his true self. 

He looked like a snake man, young, and with a smirk that knows he is up to something. But what stood off was his right hand. It was black...

"You are dying arent you...reaosn why you want her" I said.

"Maybe...or perhaps her other half, of a feather" he said while I stood there clueless. 

"Fine I will help...but dont hurt her" I said. Once he said that his fingers snapped and I felt dizzy. I fell to the floor and blacked out. "Oh and dont worry bout your girl you know the one you cheated Nikko on with, she will forget all about you" was the last thing I heard...makes things even easier.

All I could see right now was Nikko, her smile...the sweet sound of her laugh and her warmth when she would hug me...her sincere I love you and her soft gentle touch....the chills I would get when she would kiss me and hug me as if I was going to disappear...

Slowly all of that was fading her smile wasn't real....her I love you's were doubtful...she wouldn't laugh anymore....she would always say I was busy...that she was fine....

All that I didn't notice before when I was hurting her is coming back to me...

Slowly I opened my eyes and see a blonde lady who seemed pissed off...

"Finally you are awake now tell me why are you here....I did my tests on you and you seem to not have an oath but an animal representation...and to make things even weird you are the first guy neko here," she said while glaring at me...

"My name is Ren Ru...I come on behalf of The Shadow....From The Shadow...." I said while staring at her.

She tsk her tongue at me and glared at me as if her eyes can kill me.

"For now you may stay but if you hurt any of my precious students you shall die with my own hands," she said while walking out. After that, I was given a room but with no roommate. 

Now here I am...

As I walked on stage everyone was shocked to see me and my animal form. A neko, the first guy to become a neko, I wanna know the reason why the shadow put me in that form.

I introduced myself and saw her beautiful honey colored eyes. I want her with me again...She glared and looked away...of course its going to be tough i brought her to this mess...

Since I didnt make any oath I have no ability from what Lady Tsunade has told me...

Right now we are all walking to our designated class. I have combat skills with a so called Kakashi and Guy.

I walked in and noticed evreyone on the mats chit chatting amongs themselves. I spot Nikko and see her talking to two people. A blonde whickered guy and lavender eye girl...

She seemed quite similar...what was her name I met her in the costume store...ah!...her name was Hinata.

I was about to walk up to her until I noticed someone else was. He had red fanged marks on his cheeks. Once he was close to Nikko she blushed and looked away...

Does she have feeling for this guys...

I felt my heart shattered and heavy within this what NIkko felt I wonder for now I shall remain here....

I noticed he was trying to talk to her...he would try to reach for her hand and she would quickly move away...

I got close to hear their conversation until this one girl stopped me.

"You better leave her alone or else" she said, it was Hinata. She had this menacing look in her eyes as if she could kill. She was quite scary.

"Gomen" was all I said and walked away. 

How do I get close to her...I thought while I saw both Nikko and that guy talked. 

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