A Day in The Life of Ashley Benson

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Three years later
*Ashley's POV*

"Mommy." I hear a whisper, and feel tiny hands shaking me awake.

"Mommy!" the whisper gets louder. Reluctantly I open my eyes, only to see Everleigh's crystal blue-green eyes staring at me.

"Mommy!" Everleigh laughs. "It's time to get up! You have work today 'member?"

I smile, and wrap my arm around her, pulling her close. Everleigh loves coming to the pretty little liars set with me.

"Oh really?" I joke. "Are you sure? I poke Everleigh in the ribs, causing her to shriek with laughter.

"Mommy, you're silly!" Everleigh says still laughing. "You're teasing me!"

I stop tickling her and laugh.

"You're right! You're too smart! I can't trick you!"

Everleigh grins widely.

"I know mommy! That's 'ecause I'm free!" She says proudly holding up three fingers. I sigh,

"Oh Evers, you're growing up too fast!" I say sadly.

Everleigh's smile fades and her little arms wrap around my neck, and she gives me a hug.

"It's ok mommy. Don't be sad. I will always be your wittle girl!" she says comfortingly. I smile at her. I love my Ever to pieces, and I can't imagine my life without her.

"Well we should get up now!" I say throwing back the covers. Everleigh's little feet patter on the hard wood floor, as she follows me down the hall to her bedroom.

"Now, what would you like to wear?" I ask her, opening her closet.

"You pick mommy!" Everleigh says pointing her chubby little finger towards me. I smile at her, and pull something out of her closet.

"How about this?" I ask holding up a navy blue and white tank top with a matching pink skirt. Everleigh nods in agreement.

I lay the outfit on her bed, and pull out a pair of pink undies, and some white socks with lace around the top.

"Upsy daisy." I say, and pull Everleigh's pajama shirt over her head in one swift movement. Then I pull the striped shirt over her head.

Once Everleigh is all dressed, I send her into the bathroom to brush her teeth while I get dressed.

After I finish getting dressed, I walk downstairs, and into the kitchen. I throw some fruit, vegetables, and protein powder into the blender, and pour Everleigh a bowl of fruity pebbles.

Where is she? I think to myself. Usually she's down here by now.

"Everleigh!" I call up the stairs. I hear tiny feet pattering down the stairs.

"How do I look?" Everleigh asks proudly standing in the entrance of the kitchen with her hands on her hips. I can't help myself from giggling. There Everleigh stood with bright pink lipstick smeared all over her cheeks, chin, and lips.

"Everleigh Joy Benson!" I gasp throwing my hand over my mouth to keep from bursting out in laughter. "What did you do?"

"I put make up on!" Everleigh grins proudly. "Do you like it?"

I try to hide my giddy smile. I pull out my phone, and snap a picture of her with her hands on her hips, and her ridiculous lipstick. My fans are going to want to see this!

"Cheese!" Everleigh cries happily.

I quickly post it on instagram, and caption it,

I quickly post it on instagram, and caption it,

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