So...What Now?

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Three days later
*Ashley's POV*

"Mommy, push me on the swing!" Everleigh begs. Everleigh and I decided to have a picnic lunch at the park, but an interviwer called and wanted to discuss some things for a magazine.

"Just a minute Ev, I'm on the phone" I say, my eyes fixed away from her.

"But mommy!" Everleigh whines, tugging on my shirt. "I want you to now!"

"Not now Ev!" I snap, swatting her hand away. "Go find something else to do and as soon as I'm done talking, I promise I'll push you on the swing.

"Ok mommy!" Everleigh agrees and walks away. I sigh and resume my phone conversation.

Once I'm finally off the phone, I walk around to find Everleigh.

"Alrighty Ev, I'm-" But I stop to see Everleigh playing in the sandbox with another little girl.

"Are you here with your mommy?" The little girl asks. Everleigh smiles sadly.

"Yeah I am, but she's always too busy all the time. She never has time to play wif me because she's so busy wif work." She says, holding back tears. My heart plummets.

"Oh. That's too bad." the girl says. "I'm here with my mommy and daddy and sister." She says, pointing. I follow her finger to a very happy couple who is pushing their baby girl in a swing. "What about your daddy?"

Everleigh looks even more sad, and a little hurt too.

"My daddy left a long time ago. I willy miss him. He misses me too. He tells me that a lot and I willy want to see him, but my mommy won't let me!" Everleigh says crossly. "My mommy is mean!"

Tears fill my eyes. I can't believe my baby girl thinks that! I decide right then and there that I'm going to make it up to her. I wipe away my tears and smile bigger than ever.

"Oh, Evrerlieeegh! I'm ready to push you on the swing baby girl!" I grab her hand in mine. She screams and tries to run away.

"No!" She screams. "I want my daddy, I want my DADDY!" She trys to pull away from me with all her strength.

"I'm right here baby!" Ryan says, appearing out of nowhere. Just then the sky darkens and the wind kicks up. The ground rumbles furiously and before I know it, the ground splits in half and starts drifting further and further away, leaving an endless canyon between us.

"Daddy!" Everleigh screams, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"No Everleigh, stay with me, please! I'm going to push you on the swing!" I protest.

"No mommy no! You're mean! I want my daddy!"

"But Everleigh, your daddy doesn't love you!" I say, yelling against the wind.

"Yes he does! You don't love me mommy! If you loved me you would let me see my daddy!!!" Everleigh screams.

"Everleigh come on!" I beg. "It's too dangerous!"

"No mommy!" Everleigh yells, the storm seems to be getting worse.

"Everleigh!" Ryan calls as the ground around him cracks. "I love you!"
Those are the last words he says before he tumbles down into the wide canyon below.

"NOOOOOOOOOO" Everleigh's blood curdling cry screams, tears rolling down her cheeks.

I wake up in a cold sweat and bang my head on the headboard of my bed. Everleigh's shrill cry still rings in my ears. I pant heavily, realizing that I'm shaking from head to toe. I glance at the clock beside me. It's only a little after four in the morning!

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