Man Out-Numbered

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Four months later
*Ashley's POV*

I hum quietly to myself while flipping another batch of our infamous blueberry pancakes. The house is completely silent with the exception of the pancakes sizzling on the griddle and the birds chirping outside the sunny window. I twirl the engagement ring around my finger and smile distantly. I can't wait for the day I become Mrs. Blackburn, and it's still months away. Judging by the way the morning's started off, I can tell today is gonna be a good one. 

The sound of footsteps shakes me from my trance and my eyes dart towards the stairwell. Tyler appears at the bottom and makes his way over to me.

"Good morning beautiful." He says, kissing my hair. Then he wraps his hands around my small baby bump and bends down.

"And good morning stinker bugs!" He says, planting a kiss below my belly button. Tyler's little nicknames always make me smile. Their goofy and cute, just like him.

"You're up early." Tyler comments, rising from the floor. I nod.

"I couldn't sleep! Too excited for today." I smile down at my stomach and rub circles around the bump.

"Me too." Tyler admits. "I can't wait to find out the genders of the twins."

Last Thursday Tyler and I went in for my twenty week ultrasound. It's so crazy to think I'm already twenty weeks along! Tyler and I decided to keep the genders a surprise because we both wanted to host a gender reveal party. We hired a professional party planner to help us with the food and decorations and she did a fabulous job. Everything looks great, and better than I could have ever imagined. We invited the whole cast along with both Tyler and my family. We also invited the Fischer's who are planning on bringing their newborn baby girl, Brinley Madison-Claire Fischer.

"Do you think they'll be boys or girls?" I ask Tyler, who gives me a thoughtful look.

"I don't know! It's so hard to decide! One minute I think they're boys, and the next I'm convinced that they're girls!" He says finally. I nod.

"I feel the same. I'm kind of guessing that they're going to be boys because this pregnancy feels different than Everleigh's, but I'm also having twins so that probably makes a difference." Tyler chuckles.

"That's very true! Honestly, I will be happy with either. Boys, girls, or one of each, I will love them all the same."

"Me too." I agree. "I just hope one is a girl, for Everleigh's sake." I laugh. Tyler does too. All Everleigh has talked about since we found out I was pregnant is how much she wants a little sister. She colors pictures and buys toys for her little sister. I just hope she's not too disappointed if they turn out to be boys.

"Even if they are boys, I'm sure Everleigh will love them too. She has two little brothers to knock some sense into." Tyler says with a laugh. I nod. Just then Poppy rubs against my legs, purring softly.

"Who needs babies when you've got Poppy, huh?" I say, picking up the fuzzy little kitten and cradling her arms. Her wet nose nuzzles against mine. Just then Everleigh comes racing into the kitchen.

"There's my kitty!" She says, with a sigh of relief. "I assidentawy weft the door open." She says with a timid laugh. Tyler and I chuckle and place Poppy in her arms.

"That's ok Ev." I say. "I enjoyed her company!"

"Yep, as long as it was really an accident." Tyler warns. Everleigh smiles.

"It was!"

"I know, monkey. I'm just messing with ya." Tyler says, tossling her long blonde hair.

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