Can We Start Again?

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^^Disclaimer: Listen while reading unless it's too distracting, then listen to it afterwards because the lyrics are PERFECT for this chapter. ^^

*Corrine's POV*

As soon as I hear Ashley's comforting voice, I know that everything is going to be okay. For so long I have struggled with the thought that things are never going to get better. Loving Ryan and having a relationship with him never felt wrong before, but knowing that an innocent woman lost the love of her life, and a child lost her father because of me, makes me feel like the worst person in the world. For years, I have kept my daughter away from anything that might hurt her, fearing that she will get hurt like I did. Ryan hurt both of us, so deeply I thought I would never forgive him. Learning he did that to Ashley too, makes me angry beyond belief. How can someone as sweet and strong as Ashley Benson get hurt by a coward like Ryan? A father who abandons his child out of fear is hardly a father at all, yet she's learned to love him and forgive him for his mistakes. I wish I could do the same. Although I did give Ryan a chance to make things right, I haven't completely let him into my life like Ashley has. I'm not sure I ever can.

The rest of the night carried on smoothly. Watching Ashley and Tyler on TV and seeing them on the headlines of magazines is one thing, but meeting them in person is better than I could have imagined. They are the most genuine, cheerful people I have ever met, and even though they are busy, they always manage to put their kids above their careers. I admire them in so many ways and I wish my life could be as perfect as theirs. As soon as the night started, it came to an end. The twins were getting crabby and Ashley and Tyler needed to get home to put Ev and the twins to bed.Camille and Everleigh said their goodbyes and hugged at the door. I said my goodbyes and exchanged hugs with Ashley and Tyler too. Watching them leave was hard on both Camille and I, and I don't know why. We just met them tonight but it feels like we've known them our whole lives. It feels like they're... family.

"Are you going to head home now too?" Ryan asks me, a hint of disappointment in his eyes. I shake my head.

"I think I'll stick around a little longer, if you don't mind." I reply, not wanting to go back to my dark, empty house.

"I would love that!" Ryan exclaims, looking hopeful. I smile.

"I should probably put Camille to bed, or at least try to. Do you mind if she watches TV in the guest room upstairs?" I ask. Ryan shakes his head.

"Please do! I'll help you get it set up."

I graciously thank Ryan, and rush to get Camille ready for bed. Although she is five, she still likes it when I help her get ready for bed. Like I said before, she's used to having me close to her at all times. Camille climbs into the massive guest bed with her favorite American girl doll that she begged to bring with. I take a seat next to her on the covers.

"Did you have fun tonight, princess?" I whisper. Camille nods excitedly.

"It's hard to believe you have a sister, huh?" I ruffle her hair.

"I'm glad I have a sister." Camille says, smiling at me with her jade green eyes. I pull her in close to me and kiss the top of her head. Ryan joins us moments later, after the television is successfully set up.

"Hey, Little princess." Ryan says, a nickname he gave Camille the first time they met.

"Hey, daddy." She replies. A saddened frown spreads across my face. It's not that I don't like the fact that Millie is warming up to Ryan, it's just hard for me to hear her call him "daddy" after everything he put us through. Ryan joins our group hug and kisses Millie's head, the same way I did only moments ago.

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