Love is a Strong Word

393 17 12

One Week Later
*Ashley's POV*

I step out of the hot shower, and watch as the steam fogs up the mirror above the vanity. I sigh to myself. Ever since Tyler and I broke up, I just haven't been myself. The more I think about what I did to him, the more I hate myself for it, and the more I'm convinced he will never forgive me. I wouldn't forgive myself for what I did, how can I expect someone else to? I stand there silently silently, listening to the faint sound of Everleigh's cartoons in the next room.

I quickly dress and throw my hair up into a towel wrap to dry. Before I leave the bathroom, I do a quick phone check to see if I have any missed calls or texts. Aside from ninety-nine plus calls from Ryan, and fifty three texts exactly, there's nothing.

I pick up my belongings and step out of the bathroom and into my bedroom.

"Morning Ev." I smile at Everleigh who is snuggled up in my bed watching TV.

"Morning mommy." She says, giving my a toothy, lopsided grin, the one that just melts my heart. I flop down beside her on the bed and take her little hand in mine and give it a gentle squeeze.

"What are you watching?" I ask her, motioning to the TV.

"Shimmer and Shine, genies divine!" She declares. I chuckle softly.

"What is it about?" I ask, shimming under the blankets.

"Two genies named Shimmer and Shine! That's Shimmer." She says, pointing to a pink ponytailed genie dresses in gold and purple. "And that's Shine!" She says, pointing to a blue ponytailed genie dressed in gold and mint green. "They grant wishes for little girls!" She says happily.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah! I hope they come to my house and ask me for wishes!" Everleigh sighs, clasping her little hands together. I laugh under my breath, knowing that could never happen.

"What would you wish for?" I ask. Everleigh thinks for a moment before replying.

"I would wish for lots, and lots, and LOTS of ice cream!" She shouts. I laugh and poke her in the ribs. She shrieks with laughter.

"What else would you wish for?" I ask, and I never would I expect her to say what she said.

"I would wish for you and Tyler to love each other again..." She mumbles, while staring at the bed sheets.  I don't know how to respond, so I just sit there quietly picking at my already chipping nail polish. 

"Mommy," Everleigh's little voice jolts me from my thoughts.

"Yes baby?" I ask, afraid of what might come out of her mouth.

"Do you wuv Tywer?" I bite my lip anxiously, while I think of a way to respond. These are awfully big questions for a three year old! Everleigh has always outsmarted her age, but I didn't realize how much, until now.

"Love is a strong word, Ev." I say truthfully, hoping my answer is enough to satisfy her. Ev frowns.

"So you don't wuv Tywer?"

"Well it's not that I don't love him, but I also do love him, sort of. Its complicated Ev. You'll understand when you're older." I pat her head thoughtfully.

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