Accidents Happen

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One Month later

*Ashley's POV*

"Everleigh," I call for the millionth time, my voice getting hoarse.

"What mommy?" She finally calls back, in the faintest voice.

"You have to stop playing and get ready now. Daddy's gonna be here soon!" I yell down the stairs. I can't hear her reply, but a few moments later she appears at the bottom of the stairs, smiling her little lopsided grin.

"I was playing baby." She announces proudly. I shake my head and smile. It's so hard to stay mad at her.

"That's ok, but next time please come when you're called. Your daddy's gonna be here soon and you aren't even dressed" I say, ruffling her tangled mob of blonde hair.

Ryan and I have been dating for a month now, and things couldn't be better. During the day today, Ryan offered to take Everleigh out while I do some work here at home, and then tonight the two of us are celebrating our anniversary by going out to dinner. As for Tyler, he's become distant to me. I see him on and off at work, and occasionally we have to film a scene together, but other than that we are complete strangers. Of course I would never wish for things to be that way, and I still care about him, but he has chosen to have a strictly professional relationship and not even consider each other "friends". It's hard for me. Especially because he was such a big part of Everleigh and my life, and now suddenly it's as though he never even existed. I still care about him and I miss him, a lot. Just because I'm dating someone else doesn't mean I don't have time in my life for Tyler too.

"Mommy help!" Everleigh calls from her bedroom. I rush into her room in a bit of a panic, before bursting into laughter. Everleigh is squirming in the middle of her room, trying to fit a t shirt over her head.

"I'm stuck." She declares, her voice muffled from the cotton shirt.

"I can see that." I say, trying not to laugh anymore than I already am. I help her into the David Bowie t-shirt that Ryan insisted on buying for her, much to my disapproval. It's not something I would typically buy for my three year old, but Ryan fell in love with it, and she's his daughter too so I can't make all the decisions. And of course, to pair with the lovely red and black Bowie tee, Ryan decided to "surprise" us by snatching a pair of tight leather pants off the rack as well. Whenever Ev decides to wear the outfit out in public, I tell everyone it's her daddy's outfit, which usually gets a few laughs from people. I finish off the look by slipping on some matching leather boots, much to Everleigh's disliking.

"No mommy no!" She yells, trying to kick the shoes off. "I don't want those ones!"

I sigh deeply. It's time for me to get my momma bear on and be stern with her. Something I hate doing and I'm not very good at it either.

"Everleigh Joy, we do not throw fits over shoes. I am the mommy and if I tell you to wear the boots, you're wearing them."

Everleigh shakes her head, pouts, and bursts into a fit of tears, hollering loudly.

"I don't want them. I don't want them!" She screams, flailing her arms and legs vigorously. I take another deep breath and count to ten, something I often do to calm down.

"Everleigh Joy, I am going to give you five seconds to calm down and talk nicely, or otherwise I'm calling daddy and telling him you can't go today, do you understand me?" I stare into her teary eyes, immediately wishing I could wrap her in a hug and give her whatever she wants. I hate telling my three year old no, especially when I know it breaks her little heart. I want her to love me. I want to be the best mom ever, but I know I have to be strict with her too.

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