A Fur-Ever Friend

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Two weeks later
*Ashley's POV*

Today, Ryan, Tyler and I are doing something pretty crazy that I'm not completely sure I'm ready for.

Ever since the Fischer's got Shadow, their black kitten, that's all Everleigh has talked about. Personally, I don't care for pets and I'm not in need of any company, but Ev has been extra lonely and clingy ever since the accident. I think the whole situation really traumatized her, and I want to make it up to her in some way. So after a lot of consideration, we have decided to welcome a four legged friend into the Benson household.

It all started last week when I saw an advertisement for kittens up for sale at Willow's farm, about twenty minutes from Los Angeles. I took a picture of the ad, but I doubted I was going to do anything with it. The next few night I couldn't get the kittens off my mind! I kept dreaming of us watching TV and cuddling a brand new kitten, and finally I just couldn't resist. I quickly texted Tyler and Ryan before I changed my mind again and of course they were thrilled.

Today is Ev's "Shaydate" as they like to call it. Ever since Everleigh was a baby, the cast has set aside a special day for just them and Ever and Everleigh absolutely loves it! So Shay is going to pick her up, and then I'm going to meet up with Madison who so generously offered to lend us a few kitty essentials. After that, Tyler and Ryan are coming over to set up the kitten's play area and room, and once that's done we will drive up to Willow's Farm and buy a kitty. Everleigh has no idea that any of this is going on so when she gets home I'll tell her there's a special surprise for her, and then the boys will bring out her new pet. I'm so excited I can hardly breathe! At first I was having doubts about wether or not I'll be able to take care of another thing, but when I imagine the joy on Everleigh's little face, it makes everything seem worth it.

"Mommy, I'm all weady for my shaydate!" Everleigh says, posing with her hands on her hips. Today she's actually chosen a decent outfit to wear and surprisingly looks presentable. I have to hand it to her, for the first time since she's insisted on getting ready herself, the outcome hasn't been half bad!

"I like your outfit choice today." I say, sliding a cup or raspberry banana smoothie across the counter top.

"Sanks! When Shay comed over she said she wiked it so I weared it today!" Everleigh says proudly, scanning her fingers across the top.

Ahh so that explains it.

By the time Everleigh has downed her smoothie along with two granola bars and a gogurt, there's a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" Ev cries, sliding off her chair and racing into the foyer. Moments later, Shay is standing in the  doorway, with Everleigh clinging to her legs.

"Hey baby girl! Are you ready for our Shaydate?" Shay asks, smiling down at a very giddy Ev.

"Oh believe me, that's all she's talked about!" I reply with a laugh. Shay smiles.

"That makes me so happy! Well we should probably go munchkin. Our manicure appointment starts in twenty minutes." She says, glancing at the watch on her wrist.

"How fun! Can I come?" I joke. Everleigh giggles.

"No mommy! You can't come on a Shaydate!" She says, matter of factly. Shay nods.

"She's right!"

"Aww man!" I say, pretending to pout. "Well you two better have a blast!"

"Thanks we will!" Shay says, and disappears behind the door. I watch them from the front window as they get into the car and drive away. Then I smile to myself. Time to put the plan in action.

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