The Tyler Thing

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*Ashley's POV*

I don't know exactly how long I was in that closet, but it must have been only a few minutes before there's a gentle knock on the door.

"Go away." I choke out.

"Ashley? It's just me." Marlene's voice is kind and gentle. I sigh, wipe my eyes, and open the door. Marlene stands on the other side. She gives me a sympathetic look and opens her arms. I immediately fall into them and start crying all over again.

"Shhh." Marlene croons, stroking the back of my hair. "It's ok. Let's go talk ok?" She pulls me away to look in her eyes. I give her a teary nod and follow her into the lounge room.

Marlene takes a seat on the sofa, and pats the space beside her, motioning for me to sit. I flop down beside her, unable to keep from crying.

"He messed everything up!" I sob. Marlene looks confused, and hands me a tissue for my lip.

"Who did?" She asks, rubbing circles into my back.


Marlene looks a little surprised.

"But- I thought you two worked something out." She says. "At least that's how he made it sound when we talked briefly on the ph-"

"It's not." I interrupt. "Well I mean it was going ok, but it's not anymore. I knew I shouldn't have given him a second chance! He ruins lives! He tears perfectly good relationships apart just so he can worm his way into the picture. It's not ok! He can't just show up and expect everything to be cupcakes and rainbows! But he does, and I let him! Why do I let him? Why can't I let him go? Why do I always have a hard time saying no to him! Why did I lie to Tyler? I hate myself! I always screw up! Why is this so hard for me-" Marlene cuts me off.

"Slow down Ash. Start again, from the beginning." I take a deep breath and begin to tell Marlene everything starting from the night of the screening until now.


"Oh my." Is all Marlene says after I finish my story. "I'm so sorry Ashley." She says, because that's really the only thing to say in this moment.

"It's ok." I sigh, pulling myself together. "I'm just not over the whole Tyler thing yet." I admit. Marlene smiles slightly.

"Why not?" She asks, not because she doesn't know, but because she wants to hear it from me.

"Because I love him." I say, tears welling in the corner of my eyes. "And he loves me too, at least, I thought he did." I look down at my pale pink finger nail polish. Marlene places her hand on my back.

"Ashley, you and Tyler are meant to be together! You can't let this one little thing overlook everything you guys have! You two are perfect for eachother! Everyone knows it! Why do you think we casted you and Tyler to play Hanna and Caleb?" I smile at Marlene's comment, but it disappears quickly.

"But we're not!" I argue. "Clearly we're not! I mean look at us! Look at what happened back there! I bet you've never seen something as mortifying as that in your whole directing career!" I half shout. Marlene's face goes blank.

"Well I do have to admit, I was a bit surprised by that but-"

"See!"I interrupt "Even you agree!"

Marlene puts her hand up to silence me. "I wasn't finished. I was surprised by that, but only because you two were doing so well! Now that I know a little bit more of what's going on, it doesn't surprise me in the least. I understand you two are going through a rough patch, all couples do, but that doesn't mean you should just give up on eachother!"

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