Mr. Right Guy

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One week later
*Ashley's POV*

It's been four days since my hospital discharge, and other than a few aches and pain, I am feeling great. I was able to contact the insurance company of the other driver and thankfully he is ok, but unfortunately that means a long road of court houses and trials ahead that I'm not too thrilled about. Im not going to waste time worrying about that when I have more important things to think about. Right now a broken rib and a concussion is the least of my worries. I need to figure out my boy problems first.

Tonight Ryan is taking me out for a romantic dinner with just the two of us and I can hardly wait! It feels like forever ago since I saw him but it was only a few days. Since he's moved out I've had a lot of withdrawals and I've realized how much I've missed having him around, but right now it's best if Tyler and Ryan live apart from me. It will only make things more complicated otherwise.

"Everleigh!" I call, limping into the toy room.

"Yes mommy?" She asks sweetly, staring up at me with her marbled eyes.

"What are you up to in here?" I ask, leaning against the door frame for support. Surprisingly, a broken rib makes it difficult to get around despite the fact that it hasn't affected my legs.

"I'm jwust pwaying house!" She says, holding up her doll house figurines so I can admire them.

"Ooh fun! Nana and papa are coming over soon so make sure you cleaned up your bedroom like I asked, ok?"

"Ok mommy." Ev says smiling. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going out with your daddy tonight." I say, ruffling her soft blonde hair. She smiles.

"Oh." She replies, and resumes playing with her dream dollhouse. I leave the room but keep watch at the door for a few minutes just to admire my beautiful baby girl. She's growing up too fast. Before I know it she'll have a husband of her own and children soon after. The thought of it makes me want to rush over, hold her close to me, and never let go. I can't lose my sweet Everleigh. Not ever. I leave as quietly as possible careful not to disturb her. Even though I'm sure she wouldn't mind, I don't want her to know I'm that creepy mom who spies on her kids while they're playing.

I quietly retreat to the kitchen in hopes of completing another load of dishes before my parents arrive. As much as I hate to admit it, I always feel intimidated when my parents come over because I feel like I need to keep everything spic and span or they'd judge me otherwise. It's silly I know but I can't help myself from feeling that way. I hope Ev never feels that way around me when she's older. My thoughts are soon interrupted by a rapping on the door. I quickly wash the suds from my hands and rush to open it. Everleigh of course beats me to it, bouncing up and down excitedly.

"Nana and Papa!" She cries, wrapping her arms around them the second they walk through the door.

"Hi sweet Ev." My mom says, smothering Everleigh with lipstick stained kisses.

"Hey mom, dad." I  greet them. Once hugs and kisses were exchanged, we all headed into the front parlor.

"Ok so as usual, Ev needs a bath shortly after dinner, she's allowed to have dessert but only after she takes a bath and gets her pjs on. Bedtime is normally eight but I'll make it nine tonight since it's a special occasion." I say, smiling down at Everleigh who clings to my dads legs.

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