Kiss And Tell

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*Ashley's POV*

I pull away from Ryan, astonishment and guilt written on both of our faces.

"Ryan, I can't do this." I say, starting to stand. Ryan grabs my hand and pulls me back down.

"Ashley, what's wrong? Is it something I did?"

I shake my head, unable to speak with this overwhelming feeling of guilt in my throat.

"N-no, it's not that it's just I can't do this." I say, sitting with my head in my palms.

"What can't you do?" Ryan asks, placing a hand on my thigh.

"This!" I shout, pointing from me to Ryan. "I can't do this!"

"But Ashley, I felt something tonight, something I haven't felt in a while, and I thought the feeling was mutual." Ryan says frowning. I sigh and stare up at the ceiling unsure how to respond.

"It is, or was, or I don't know ok! I don't know what happened tonight, but whatever it was, it's over now. I can't."

"But Ashley, just hear me out-"

"No! I'm with Tyler, Ryan. We can't be doing this." I'm suddenly ashamed and filled with panic at the thought of what just happened.

"But why not?" Ryan presses. "People do it all the time. Don't you want to be with me?" His pleading eyes are almost enough to make me agree, but I quickly diminish the thought. I shake my head.

"I- I have to go." I say, hurrying away and dodging his last question. "Everleigh!" I run across the hall to the porch where my little girl lays half asleep with the TV still on.

"Ev, it's time to go now ok?" I say, slightly out of breath from the short jog to the porch.

"Ok mama." Everleigh says yawning. I scoop my daughter up in my arms and hug her tightly to my chest. Ryan meets me in the room moments later.

"Ashley, I'm sorry I-" he starts, but I shush him.

"It's over. Just forget it ever happened. We don't have to talk about it. Not a word to anyone." I say, drawing out the last part to make myself clear. Ryan nods silently and I head to the front door.

"Thanks for having us over. I'll see you around." I tell Ryan, before closing the door and driving away with Everleigh asleep in the backseat.

"So I've been thinking a lot about us." Tyler says. The way his lips move when he talks makes me want to kiss those luscious lips of his.

"So have I." I reply, lacing my fingers through his and popping my right leg to make my hips look wider and my legs look longer. Tyler wraps his arm low around my waist, and pulls me close to him. The touch of his hand on my skin makes shivers run down my spine.

"I love you Ashley Victoria Benson." He whispers into my hair. I feel the heat rush to my cheeks as I lean closer and reply,

"I love you too."

Just then Tyler pulls me away from him so I'm looking directly into his deep brown eyes. He takes my fragile hand in his own and gets down on one knee.

"I never want to spend a another day of my life without you. You mean everything to me. The way your hair falls in perfect waves over your shoulders, the way your nose twitches when you laugh, and the way your lips are slightly parted when you're asleep. I love each and every little thing about you Ashley. Will you marry me?" He opens a small red velvet box containing a ring with the biggest diamond I've ever seen engraved in the middle of a sterling silver band with tiny diamond encrusted detailings. I cover my mouth with my hand and nod vigorously.

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