A Day To Myself

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Four days later
*Ashley's POV*

"Everleigh!" I call up the stairs.

"Coming!" A little voice replies, followed by a chorus of tiny feet running down the stairs. About thirty seconds later, Everleigh appears in the doorway. Fully dressed and smiling.

"Hey baby girl! You almost ready?" I ask her. She nods her head vigorously.

"I can't wait to go to Nana and Papa's house!"

I smile. Every so often Everleigh will go over to my parents house for some Nana and Papa bonding time, while I get the day to myself. I love it, because I finally have some time to myself, and Everleigh adores my parents, so it works out perfectly!

"Eat your lunch, and then we will go."I tell Everleigh sliding a plate with a few apple slices, some celery sticks, and a peanut butter sandwhich on it. Everleigh immediately dives into the sandwich, smearing peanut butter all over her face. I can't help but chuckle at how messy my little girl is.

"Moma I'm thirsty. Can I have something to dwink?" Everleigh asks. I nod my head and walk over to the fridge.

"What would you like?" I ask her. Everleigh taps her chin.

"Um, chwocolate milk?" she asks finally. I nod.

"Sure." I pull the milk carton put of the fridge, and pour a small glass of chocolate milk in a small purple cup.

"One chocolate milk for miss Everleigh!" I say handing the cup to my daughter. Everleigh reaches out to take the cup.

"Ah ah ah." I say shaking my head. "What do we say?"

Everleigh stops reaching, and folds her hands neatly in her lap. She looks up at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Pweese?" she asks innocently. I giggle and hand her the cup. Then plant a kiss on her soft hair.

Once the dishwasher is loaded and Everleigh is all cleaned up from lunch, we're on our way to my parents house.

"Mommy?" Everleigh asks when we are waiting at a stop light.

"Yeah Ev?"I glance at her through the rear view mirror. She is staring at something out the window.

"Um, when will I learn to fly?" she asks. At first I'm a little confused by what she's asking.

"What?" I ask.

"When will I learn to fly like that bird?" she asks pointing to a bird that is sitting on a palm branch.

"Ev, people don't fly. Only birds do!" I say laughing. Everleigh frowns.

"So I will never be avle to fly?" she asks sadly.

"I'm afraid not." I say shaking my head. "But there are a lot of other things you can do!"

"Like what?"Everleigh asks.

"Well, you can learn to read, you can learn to write. You can learn to count. You can learn to swim, and dance, and sing, and play!" I say. Everleigh smiles at me with twinkling eyes.

"I can be avle to do all dose fings?" she asks in disbelief. I nod.

"Yep, every one!"

A few minutes later I pull up the driveway to my parents house. I park the car, and go to unbuckle Everleigh. I can barely get the buckles loose with Everleigh squirming excitedly.

"Calm down Ev!" I say laughing. Everleigh stops squirming long enough so I can get her buckles un done.

"I can't help it!" she says laughing. "I'm too escited!" She hops out of her seat, and bounces up the front steps two at a time. I grab her booster seat, and backpack out of the car, before following her. Everleigh knocks excitedly on the door, and my mom opens it.

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