You Can't 'Pretend Love'

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Eight months later
*Ashley's POV*

I hear the front door open, followed by the chorus of voices as Everleigh and Tyler waltz into the house.

"Hey guys!" I call, setting my book down and smiling up at them from the couch. "How was the party?"

"It was great!" Everleigh says, displaying her sugarcoated smile, and holding up a half eaten ice cream cone. A new ice cream shop opened up in LA and were having an opening party, so Tyler decided to take Everleigh for some daddy daughter bonding
time, and free ice cream.

"How was it babe?" I ask, standing up from the couch so I can wrap myself up in his arms.

"I agree with Ev. That was a pretty banging party! They had free ice cream, balloon animals, tattoos, basically anything you can think of! Wish you could have come." Tyler says, kissing my temple. I frown.

"I know. I wish I could have come too, but I didn't want to intrude on your daddy daughter time. Plus I got pretty far in my book!" I exclaim, motioning to the book lying face up on the couch.

"Do we have plans for the rest of today?" Tyler asks. I shake my head.

"No, actually for the first time in a long time, we are completely free! Any ideas of how we could spend it?"

"Actually I do!" Tyler says, his eyes lighting up. "You know that pretend city children's museum we've been wanting to go to? Well the place we were just at was handing out half price coupons."

I have to chuckle at Tyler's excitement over coupons. The more time we spend together, the more we start to evolve into each other. Now Tyler is into couponing, and I'm a world class Fortnite player.

"That sounds fun!" I exclaim, nodding in approval. "Do you want to do that today,Ev?"

"Yeahhhh!" Everleigh squeals, her excited giggles making me even more excited to go. Whenever I see her happy, it immediately makes me happy too. Just then our thoughts are interrupted by the unmistakable holler of two hungry babies crying from upstairs.

"Looks like the girls are awake." Tyler says, lifting his eyes towards the ceiling.

"I wanna get them!" Everleigh shouts, making a run for the stairs. I chuckle quietly and follow her and Tyler to the nursery. I've always known that Everleigh would be an amazing big sister, but I didn't know just how amazing she would be until four months ago when I gave birth to our identical twin girls, Adley Grace and Ainsley Faith Blackburn.

"Good morning baby sisters!" Everleigh calls, flicking on the light and rushing over to the cribs, Tyler and I following suit. As soon as the twins see their big sister, they immediately stop crying and give her a gummy, toothless grin. I reach down into the first crib, and pick up Adley, the oldest of the twins by three minutes and forty-two seconds. I kiss her soft head and cradle her in my arms. Tyler does the same with Ainsley, the smallest of the two by one pound and seven ounces. 

"Mommy, is dis Adwey or Ainswey?" Everleigh asks, pointing to the baby in my arms. Although we've had the twins for four months already, Ev still has trouble distinguishing the two when they aren't right next to each other.

"This is Adley." I say, angling down so Everleigh can get a better view of her. "Adley is wearing the pink, and Ainsley is wearing the white!"

As much as I love dressing the twins in matching clothes, it is a lot easier to tell them apart when they are in different outfits, so I compromised and dressed them in similar clothing.

"Baby Adwey, do you wanna go to pretend city wif me and mommy and daddy and baby Ainswey?" Everleigh asks in her high pitched baby voice. Adley scrunches her face and gives her older sister a toothless smile.

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