One Hello Means Another Goodbye

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Five days later
*Ashley's POV*

Today is the day we've been waiting and waiting for. Today is the day the Fischers move to California!

Everleigh has been counting down the days until Dax moves back, and now the wait is over because today is moving day!

The moving vans should be arriving at their new house at about eight thirty this morning. The Fischers stayed at Troian's place for the night, and will hopefully be in their new house by tonight with the help of the cast and crew. Everleigh and I are on our way to their new house to help.

Even though it is only seven thirty in the morning, Everleigh is hyper and alert. The whole way there I was hoping she would nap, but instead she kept squealing yay yay yay over and over again while bouncing up and down in her car seat. By the time we pulled into their driveway, the moving vans were already there along with the Fischers and most of the others. Ian, Tyler, Tammin and Marlene had yet to arrive.

"There's my little Ev, how are you!" Lucy asks, running up to Everleigh and giving her a squeeze.

"Hi Wucy." Ev says, trying to scramble away. "I need to find Dax!" Just then Daxton comes flying out of the house.

"Everelieeeeegh!" He cries, running up and giving her a hug.

"Daaaax! I miss-ed you so much!" She says, resting her head on his shoulder

"I missed you too Ev! Come inside and see my new house!" Dax says, taking Everleigh by the hand and leading her inside.

"Welcome!" Madison says, embracing me in a hug.

"Madison hi! You're house is absolutely beautiful!" I say, admiring the alluring exterior.

"Thank you! Now you understand why we fell in love with it." Madison says chuckling. I nod in agreement.

"Hey could someone take this box into the kitchen?" One of the truck drivers asks.

"I will!" Madison says, lifting the box.

"No, no, no. You're pregnant Madison. Let me help you." I say, taking the box from her, and bringing it inside.

"Thank you." Madison says, sympathetically. "It's getting harder and harder to get around with this little peanut." She says, rubbing around her small baby bump.

"I bet! I remember when I was pregnant with Everleigh, I could barely get off the couch! Do you know the gender yet?" I ask, setting the box down on the cold tile floor.

"Not yet. We are still trying to decide if we want to or not. I think it would be fun to wait and have it be a surprise, but Eric thinks otherwise." Madison says laughing.

"Men are so impatient." I say, shaking my head and chuckling to myself. "Do you want it to be a boy or girl?" I ask.

"Honestly, I'd be happy either way! I think it would be so fun to have a little girl though. I could finally pick out all the cute clothes and do her hair, and have a little mini me running around the house, but at the same time I want Daxton to have a little brother so he can have a play mate. Daxton and the baby would get along so well! Eric wants a girl. He's always wanted a daughter." Madison says, unpacking the box.

"Little girls are definently angels sent from heaven." I say. I smile just thinking about mine.

"Yeah. If we have a girl her name will be Brinley Madison, and if we have a boy his name will be Tyson Reed." Madison says smiling.

"Awe, those names are adorable!" I say. Madison smiles.

"Thank you." she says.


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