Chapter 2 - Whats the point?

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I woke up to the sound on the trees blowing softly in the wind. I felt the breeze hit my face and I opened my eyes. I stared up at the faded yellow leaves and just... lay there.

I looked down at my watch.

I actually had a decent amount of sleep.... If you class around 4 hours as decent.

I didn't want to move. I had actually found a comfortable space on that hard forest floor. I guess I was sleeping on a sleeping bag (it was too hot to get in it) which made it a little softer. Not really by a lot though.

My stomach roared inside me.

I sat up and looked around. All I saw for miles were the trees. I couldn't hear any of those things so I believed I was safe.

I scrambled over to my food bag. Nothing. Well, there was a tiny pot of baby food, but I'm allergic to apples so that wasn't going to work.

I figured if I'm surviving alright in this forest, something else must be in here as well. Something other than decaying humans. Something I can eat.

I grabbed my belt with all my knifes on it. I found it at a run down police station back in South Carolina. My group were on the road for what felt like weeks before we got split. So where I was only God knew.

I wandered around for about half an hour, knife in hand just in case. It was when I started to feel like turning back when I noticed a small, brown squirrel perched on a tree branch quite happily eating a nut.

With out even thinking I threw my knife at it. No actually, I was thinking. I was thinking.....

It's either this or you starve, pick one Leigh.

To my amazement it was a clean shot straight in the chest. I spent around 10 seconds congratulating in my self before I realised, my knife had pinned my dinner to the branch behind the one it was sitting on.

"REA--" I started before shutting my self up. I didn't want to attract any of them things to me.

The branch wasn't that high, but was too high for me to reach it.

I found an old log, that was almost rotted away completely, and used it as a stepping stool to help me climb the tree. It was a struggle at first but it didn't take me that long to reach the squirrel.

I straddled the branch, slipped my dinner in my bag and put my knife back in its place on my belt.

Being careful not to fall, I stood up on the branch getting ready to jump down but was instantly over took by my view.

I wasn't that high but I was high enough to see over most of the trees. It looked amazing. As cliche as it sounds, I truly felt like everything the light touched was mine.

The only thing that ruined it was the prison in the distance. It had what I thought were more of them things inside. Not wanting the sight of them to ruin my mood, I got ready to jump down.

It was the sound the wind picked up that stopped me.

Kids shouting. But not in the scared way I'd gotten so used to. As if they were playing a game. The sound of laughter and cheerful talking.

I looked back the prison and a group of people. Alive people, who I'd mistaken for dead, crowded around a table full of food.

But before I could be sure I felt my body fall a few inches. My feet trembled as my perch in the tree began to crack. I tried to grab hold of the trunk but I wasn't quick enough.

The branch snapped beneath me and I came down without.

"ARGGGH" I groaned. I opened my eyes my eyes and found myself face to face with the ground...

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