Chapter 5 - My New Home?

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We eventually walked into the prison.

It was a lot more homey than you would think. Every cell block was full of people, and they all seemed to be living perfectly fine, happy and healthy.

Carl led me to Cell Block C, where I was guessing him and his dad stay.

He sat me down at a small, round table just outside all the cells.

"Stay here." Carl ordered. He took 5 steps before turning back around.

"Oh yeah..... Don't try anything stupid." He said in the same stern voice as earlier, but with a softer look on his face.

What the heck does he think I'm going to do? He still has all my knifes.

I leaned back and tried to listen to their conversation. It was very muffled but I could make out a few sentences.

"And you just let her in?" called a voice that I could only assume was Carl's dad. It was husky and deep, and let off a sound of concern.

"One. She climbed the wooden gate. Two. What was I meant to do? Just leave her out there?" Carl questioned.

At this point guilt washed over me. I felt like I had caused a giant commotion and I shouldn't have even come. But what was I meant to do? Stay out there, on my own, practically giving myself away to them things.

I stared at my watch, listening to the back and forth argument from Carl and his dad - if you could even call it an argument.

After about 20 minutes of the tedious, repetitive bickering between Carl and his dad the bar door swung open.

Out came a grumpy looking Carl, who now had a sheriff's hat resting on his head for some reason, followed by his dad.

Carl looked like a stroppy 2 year old who had just thrown a tantrum. It was so tempting to stand up and squeeze his checks, but then I realised that probably wouldn't be the best thing to do, considering I met him half an hour ago.

His dad however, looked rather intimidating. He stood about a foot taller than Carl, and his jawline was covered in a stubby beard. He had this look - a menacing and suspicious look. He didn't even have to say a word I knew he didn't trust me. I don't blame him to be honest.

I was still sat at the round table, waiting for one of them to say anything. The silence was rather awkward. I pressed my lips together and looked around the room to convey this.

Carl's dad caught on.

"Where's the rest of your group?" He asked in a determined voice. He starred me deep in the eyes. It felt like he was going to burn a whole in my face.

"You tell me. I got split from them a few weeks ago." I answered trying to keep eye contact.

"So, you've been on your own all this time?" He said, but there was a hint of sympathy to his voice, as if he felt sorry for me.

I nodded and mumbled something that sounded like a yes.

"How did you find this place?"

"Well... I was looking for food... climbed a tree... saw this place... fell out of said tree... Walked in the direction I thought this place was.... almost got eaten by those things... climbed your wooden gate thingy... almost got eaten again...begged Carl to let me in.... and now we're here." I said, sarcastically smiling afterwards. Carl's dad didn't look very amused.

Carl stepped forward and interrupted. "Dad, we can't just send her back out there on her own. How old are you?" He asked turning to me.

"Fourteen," I replied.

"Dad she's my age, you wouldn't send me out there, would ya? Just ask her the questions and let her stay."

Questions? What questions?

Carl's dad nodded, knowing he had completely lost this argument, and turned back to me.

"How many walkers have you killed?"

"Walkers? Is that you call them things?" I asked and he nodded in agreement, "I don't know, should I have counted?" I answered. He smiled slightly and carried on.

"How many people have you killed?"

"None..." I answered, confused why he was asking a 13 year old how many people she had killed.

"Why?" Now I was very confused

"Because I haven't seen any need to...."

He gestured for me to stand up and held out his hand. As I took to shake it he introduced himself to me.

"Rick Grimes. Welcome to the prison. Or if you wish, welcome to your new home."

My new home? I'm allowed to stay?

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