Chapter 14 - Wild Emotions

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Tears streamed down my face. My breathing was rapid and unsteady. I held onto Carl, panicking in his arms.

Rushing footsteps filled my ears. "WE HEARD GUN SHOTS.... CARL... LEIGH...are you..." Ricks voice called, getting quieter as he came closer. Then completely stopping when he saw us.

Through my blurry vision, I saw Rick and Daryl lowering their guns, looking from us to the floor of dead walkers.

But before they could ask what happened, I completely collapsed, bringing Carl down with me.

All my limbs felt week as my body fell lifeless. My heavy breathing, if possible, became even more heavy as I struggled to take the air into my lungs.

That heavy breathing turned to gasping for air.

I could hear shouting in the back ground, but I wasn't paying attention because..... you know...... I was too busy trying to breath.

As Carl stood back up, he swooped me up in his arms bridal style and ran towards the entrance.

I was placed in the back of car quickly but carefully. Our bags were thrown in the trunk and Rick started to drive.

Carl desperately tried to calm me down.

He held onto my hand, telling me everything was going to be OK repeatedly.

I lasted around 20 minutes in the car before completely loosing conscious.My vision fading to black and everything went quiet.


When I opened my eyes, I was back in my cell.

I looked around the room and noticed Carl sitting in the corner of the room with his head down. He seemed stressed and agitated.

I pushed myself up from the bed and sat up straight with my back against the wall.

Carl's eyes immediately shot up to meet mine.

A wave of relief washed over his face and he leapt from his seat and kneeled at the side of my bed.

"I'm sorry..." These were the only words I was able to produce.

"Why the actual fuck are you sorry?" Confusion stirred in Carl's firm voice.

I swung my legs round so they were dangling off the side of the bed. "For panicking and causing a massive commotion..." I said, looking from the floor, to Carl, then back to the floor.

"Leigh.." Carl reached out and grabbed both of my hands which were resting in my lap. "It's called a panic attack, you couldn't help it. Everyone is just happy you're OK. I'm happy you're OK."

My eyes met Carl's again, and he stared back at me.

For a moment I lost myself in his eyes. It's very easy to do that when his eyes are like oceans.

The way the light blue colour replicated the crashing waves. The way they enticingly reflected the sunlight. The way they glimmered even in the lowest light.

I was snapped out of my stare when Carl looked down at my wrists.

The white lines that replaced my healed wounds were easily visible.

I pulled back my hands rushing to cover them up as fast as I could.

But I wasn't fast enough.

"Leigh...." He was stunned for words. I couldn't imagine what was going through his head. "Why?"

"I was alone... I was weak... I was afraid..." I spoke with a withering voice, taking deep breaths between my sentences. "I just didn't want to go on anymore... I didn't see the point... But I guess I just didn't have the guts to end it all together...." My eyes welled up and I could feel my heart dropping.

"And I'm fucking glad you didn't."

Carl lifted himself from the floor and placed himself next to me on the bed. "Your furthest thing away from weak. You're amazing, you're beautiful and I can't imagine my life without you now you're in it."

"Carl don't--"

Before I could even say my sentence I was cut off.

Carl pulled me closer to him by the neck and connected his lips with mine.

Butterflies exploded in my stomach.

My mind raced as I got lost in the moment.

I wanted it to last forever.

Carl's arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me in even closer.

It was at that moment I realised......

I love you Carl Grimes.

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