Chapter 36 - Smoke

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After a while Carl and I unattached our eyes and came back to reality from this paradise of oceans and emeralds we had lost ourselves in.  Lost in moment we hadn't noticed the others.

Rick's face was washed with a look of confusion as his eyes fell open Tara, Abraham, Rosita and Eugene. I had almost forgotten they weren't in the prison with us, we had become so close to them it had felt like we'd known them the whole time.

"They're our friends." Maggie said as she realised the confusion in not just Rick's but Michonne's, Daryl's and Carl's also. "They helped save us."

"Now they're friends of ours," Daryl said back. A smile spread across my face to hear these words come out of his mouth. Daryl had always been so closed off when it came to new people, to see him so open gave a warming sense in my stomach.

"For however long that'll be," Thanks Abraham, way to downer the mood.

"No." Rick shot back. "They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out." He began to walk back towards the door to look out of the small gap where the door slides.

"Find out what?" Abraham asked for all of us.

The whole room fell silent for a moment as we waited in anticipation. Rick finally looked back at us. "They're fucking with the wrong people."


We weren't fucking about. We weren't dying in there. We'd been through enough to give up now.

A plan was formed. Belt buckles were sharpened. Zips were ripped off of jackets. Anything, anything at all, that could've been made dangerous was done so.

Daryl was on look out as we did so. Could you even call it 'look out', It was more like 'peep through this tiny slit between the big sliding door and the metal wall'.

"Alright, got 4 of them pricks coming out way," Daryl said as voices echoed off the metal walls.

"You all know what to do." said Rick. We did. With these words everyone rose from their crafting stations and prepared ourselves for them to barge in. "Go for their eyes first, then their throats."

A voice rang into the train cart. "Get your backs to walls of either end of the cart, NOW!" No one did so. We all stayed put, armed and ready.

Without warning light flooded in, but from the ceiling, not the door. I shielded my eyes, protecting them from the light, but due to this action I didn't see the smoke bombs drop in.

"MOVE!" Abraham shouted before suddenly. He grabbed me and Rosita, who were on either side of him, and pushed us to the ground the cover us.

I coughed as grey smoke filled my lungs and blocked my vision. Hunched over, I held onto Abraham, who was coughing right down my ear.

Grunts and screams could be heard from the prisoners of our metal cage. I cowered with fear unable to move, useless in this situation among many.

The smoke began to clear, the misty grey shield that blocked my vision started to lift.

"Glenn?!" A voice I recognised as Maggie's was the first to call out. "Glenn where are you?"

"Bob?" Sasha called out not long after. "Bob you here?"

Other shouts came of various names like a roll call, including mine. "Leigh?" Carl bellowed from the other side of the cart.

"Here!" I shouted back my throat still burning.

Through my blurry vision I watched as Carl jogged towards me and pulled into a hug until the smoke had fully cleared.

My eyes darted around the room. Bob, Daryl, Glenn and Rick were no longer in the room. A sense of panic began to build in my chest.

"They'll.... They'll be fine," Maggie said, though in a shaky voice. You could just see the panic in her eyes. To be honest you could see it in everyone's.

"For fuck sake...." I murmered so quiet it was barely audible. Carl wrapped his arms tighter around my shoulders and I buried my face into his chest.

(A/N) Sorry for the slow uploads and I'm sorry for the slow story but..... I still hope you like!

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